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A Short Caucasian Bibliography

a comprehensive, illustrated & regularly updated


relating to the

wider Caucasus region

Its history, its peoples
& many other issues such as
language, folklore, tradition,
religious beliefs, art, travel, architecture,
ethnography, literature & music,
geology, botany, &c. &c.

English, French, Georgian, German, Russian
and a few other languages, e.g. Laz

This bibliography was compiled using online bibliographical databases (such as Google Books, the Online Computer Library Center's "WorldCat" database, or the excellent Advanced Book Exchange website) and from several works to be found in this list — e.g. W.E.D. Allen's outstanding Russian Embassies to the Georgian Kings (Hakluyt Society, Cambridge University Press, 1970).

Professor Kevin Tuite's (University of Montreal) online bibliography was also particularly useful, as was Mr. Amjad Jaimoukha's extraordinary North Caucasian Bibliography ("More than 3,800 references, including some 450 links to on-line books, articles and documents"). I am also particularly grateful to Mr David Hunt for the amazing list he sent me of his translations of works related to the Caucasus, along with a copy of his unpublished translation of Bashir Dalgat's The aboriginal religion of the Chechens and Ingush.

This list is far from being comprehensive — particularly when compared with Mr Jaimoukha's extraordinary bibliography — and I have only read a fraction of these books and articles. Some I already own; others I would like to own some day (space permitting). Please also note that the year of publication may not be the most recent one, and that crateloads of books have been published in Georgian and in Russian (which I can only read with difficulty and cannot read at all, respectively). Almost all the following publications are in either English, French or German.

Even the most ancient of these books and many, many more can be bought from book shops around the world via the Advanced Book Exchange website or Amazon, and many of them are available in full (in digital form) in the Internet Archive. Most of the ethnographic books in Georgian which feature in this list (e.g. Mak'alatia, Tedoradze, Kamarauli, Bardavelidze, &c.) I bought over the years through a well-connected book dealer who hawks his wares on the flea market in Tbilisi.




All submissions gratefully received, omissions and mistakes willingly corrected, &c. (and indeed donations for future book purchases welcome!). Do get in touch: Gmail: alexjtb. Also, please feel free to reproduce all or part of this bibliography, but make sure you credit this page and website when you do so, or I'll send my band of ruthless knout-wielding Cossacks to turf you out of bed and whip you naked through the streets.

Jump to the letter:

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     IJ     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     UV     W     XYZ


ABAEV, V.I., "The Pre-Christian Religion of the Alans", paper presented at the XXVth International Congress of Orientalists, Moscow: Oriental Library, 1960 [22 pp.]

ABAEV, V.I., "A Grammatical Sketch of Ossetic", in International Journal of American Linguistics, Part II, Vol. XXX, No. 4 (October 1964), Bloomington: Indiana University Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore, and Linguistics, & The Hague: Mouton & Co., 1964 [133 pp.]

ABDUSHELISHVILI, Malkhaz Grigorievich, "The Genesis of the Aboriginal Population of the Caucasus in the Light of Anthropological Data", in Proceedings of the VIIIth International Congress for Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, 1964, Moscow: Nauka, 1968

ABDUSHELISHVILI, Malkhaz Grigorievich, GINZBURG, V.V., MIKLASHEVSKAIA, N.N., & TROFIMOVA, T.A., Contributions to the Physical Anthropology of Central Asia and the Caucasus, Cambridge (MA): Peabody Museum, 1968

ABERCROMBY, John, A Trip through the Eastern Caucasus, with a Chapter on the Languages of the Country, London: Edward Stanford, 1889 [376 pp. with 6 plates, 15 engraved illustrations and 2 maps.]

ABERCROMBY, John, "The Wall of Derbend", Edinburgh: Royal Scottish Geographical Society, 1890

ABERCROMBY, John, "An Amazonian Custom in the Caucasus", in Folklore, Vol. II, No. 2, 1891, pp. 171-181

ABICH, Hermann, Beiträge zur geologischen Kenntnis der Thermalquellen in den Kaukasischen Ländern, Tiflis: Buchdruckerei der Civil-Hauptverwaltung

ABICH, Hermann, Über die geologische Natur des armenischen Hochlandes: Fest-Rede, am 22. August, dem Krönungsfeste ihrer Kaiserlichen Majestäten Nikolai Pawlowitsch und Alexandra Feodorowna im grossen Hörsaale der Kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat, Dorpat: H. Laakmann, 1843

ABICH, Hermann, "Sur les dernières tremblements de terre dans la Perse septentrionale et dans le Caucase, ansi que sur des eaux et de gaz s'y trouvant en rapport avec ces phénomènes", St.-Pétersbourg: Acad. Impériale des Sciences, 1855

ABICH, Hermann, Über das Steinsalz und seine geologische Stellung im russischen Armenien, St Petersburg: Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1857

ABICH, Hermann, Vergleichende geologische Grundzüge der kaukasischen, armenischen und nordpersischen Gebirge — Prodromus einer Geologie der kaukasischen Länder, St Petersburg: Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1858

ABICH, Hermann, Sur la structure et la géologie du Daghestan, St.-Pétersbourg: Eggers, 1862

ABICH, Hermann, "Über eine im Caspischen Meere erschienene Insel, nebst Beiträgen zur Kenntniss der Schlammvulkane der caspischen Region", in Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, Volume VI, No. 5, 1863

ABICH, Hermann, Zur Geologie des südöstlichen Kaukasus : Bemerkungen von meinen Reisen im Jahr 1865, St.-Pétersbourg: Acad. Impériale des Sciences, 1866

ABICH, Hermann, Geologische Beobachtungen auf Reisen in den Gebirgsländern zwischen Kur und Araxes, Tiflis: Buchdruckerei der Civil-Hauptverwaltung, 1867

ABICH, Hermann, "Remarkable forms of hailstones recently observed in Georgia — Extract from a letter from Staatsrath Abich to Chevalier W. von Haidinger", in Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, 1869, pp. 420-421

ABICH, Hermann, Études sur les glaciers actuels et anciens du Caucase , Tiflis: impr. de l'administr. civile du Caucase, 1870

ABICH, Hermann, Über krystallinischen Hagel im Thrialethischen Gebirge und über die Abhängigkeit der Hydrameteore von der Physik des Bodens, Tiflis: impr. de l'administr. civile du Caucase, 1871

ABICH, Hermann, Geologische Beobachtungen auf Reisen im Kaukasus im Jahre 1873, 1875

ABICH, Hermann, Über die Produktivität und die geotelstonischen Verhältnisse der Kaspischen Naphtaregion, Wien: 1879

ABICH, Hermann, ABICH, Adelaïde, & SUESS, Eduard, Geologische forschungen in den kaukasischen ländern, 3 volumes, Wien: A. Hölder, 1878-87 [Vol. I: Eine Bergkalkfauna aus der Araxesenge bei Djoulfa in Armenien, including "Abhandlungen und aufsätze über geologische und physikalisch-geographische gegenstände aus dem Kaukasus"; Vol. II: Geologie des armenischen Hochlandes — I. Westhälfte, including "Atlas zu den geologischen Forschungen in den kaukasischen Ländern von Herman[n] Abich" and "Barometrische Höhenbestimmungen im türkischen Armenien"; Vol. III: Geologie des armenischen Hochlandes — II. Osthälfte, including "Erdbebenphänomene im armenischen hochlande [und] Altarmenische erdbebenchronik".]

ABICH, Hermann, & ABICH, Adelaïde, Aus kaukasischen Ländern: Reisebriefe, 2 volumes, Wien: A. Hölder, 1896

ABRAMICHVILI, R., "[La Géorgie,] Au pays du fer", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 88 — "Au pays de la Toison d'Or", Paris: 1984 [pp. 46-53.]

A catalogue of Paris Peace Conference delegation propaganda in the Hoover War Library, Redwood City (CA): Stanford University Press, 1926

ADAMIA, Sch., "Ein geodynamisches Modell des Kaukasus", in Wissenschaft in der UDSSR, No. 6, Moscow: 1983

ADEMOLLO, Umberto, "La Georgia e l'Azerbaidjan", Milano: 1940 [13 pp.]

AFANASIEFF, R., 100 Kaukasus-gipfel, ?Schöpping?: Lindauersche Buchhandlung, 1913

AFLALO, Frederick George, An Idler in the Near East, London: G. Bell & Sons, 1910 [279 pp. with 40 half-tone photographic plates; British zoologist, sports writer and traveller (1870-1918). An account of his travels in Constantinople, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, the Caucasus & Turkey.]

AHARONIAN, Avétis, Les anciennes croyances arméniennes, Parenthèses, 1980

AGSTNER, Rudolf, Österreich im Kaukasus 1849-1918, Diplomatische Akademie, 1999

AHMED SAIB KAPLAN, Zadé, Caucase: Les revendications des peuples du Caucase, Stockholm: Imp. Stellan Stàl, 1917 [7 pp.; "le délégué des musulmans du Caucase".]

AHMED, S.Z., Twilight on the Caucasus, Chapel Hill (North Carolina, USA): AER Publications, 1997 [142 pp.; most likely a self-published novel.]

AHMED CEVDET PAŞA, Kirim ve Kafkas tarihçesi ["A History of the Crimea and the Caucasus"], Istanbul: Matbaa-i Ebüzziya, 1890

AICHINGER, Ilse, Unglaubwürdige Reisen ["Unbelievable journeys"], Frankfurt: Fischer, 2005 [186 pp.; includes a chapter entitled Mit dem nomadischen Urgroßvater durch den Kaukasus—"Through the Caucasus with the nomadic great-grandfather".]

AKHALKATSI, Maia, ABDALADZE, Otar, NAKHUTSRISHVILI, George, & SMITH, William K., "Facilitation of Seedling Microsites by Rhododendron Caucasicum Extends the Betula Litwinowii Alpine Treeline, Caucasus Mountains, Republic of Georgia", in Arctic & Alpine Research, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 4, Boulder (CO): University of Colorado Boulder, 2006

AKHUNDOV, Mirza-Fath-Ali, Comédies — Traduit de l'Azerbaïdjanais par L. Bazin, préface de Kasimzade, Paris: Gallimard (Collection Caucase), 1967

AKINER, Shirin, Islamic peoples of the Soviet Union, London: KPI, 1986

AKNOUNI, E., Vers la lutte, Genève: Imprimerie arménienne, 1904

AKNOUNI, E., Les plaies du Caucase, Genève: Fédération révolutionnaire arménienne, 1905 [356 pp., translated from the original Armenian, with a preface by Francis de Pressensé and an introduction by Pierre Quillard.]

AKNOUNI, E., La question arménienne et le tsarisme, Genève: 1905

AKNOUNI, E., La censure russe au Caucase, Genève: Union des étudiants arméniens de l'Europe, 1905

AKNOUNI, E., Political Persecution: Armenian Prisoners of the Caucasus — A Page of the Tzar's Persecution, New York: 1911

ALBERT, Joseph (ed.), Theodor Horschelt — Sein Leben & seine Werke: Spanien, Algier, Kaukasus, nach den Original-Zeichnungen photographiert und in Albertotypie, nebst einer biographischen Skizze von H. Holland, München: J. Albert, 1875 [149 pp.; Horschelt, a Bavarian painter famous for his horses and hunting scenes, accompanied a Russian expedition to the Caucasus in 1858, where he painted such pictures as "Caravan in the desert", "The capture of Shamyl", "The capture of an earthwork on Mt. Gunib", "Cossacks returning from a razzia", "Russian artillery in Chechnya", "Flight of Lesghian riders", "Street in Tiflis", "Circassian attack", &c.]

ALBRECHT, Max, "Durch den Daghestan auf der Awaro-Kachetinischen Strasse im Mai-Juni 1904" ["Through Daghestan along the Avaro-Kakhetian Road in May-June 1904"], in Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, Vol. XXI, Hamburg: L. Friedrichsen & Co. (printer), 1906

ALEKSEEV, V.P., et al., "Contributions to the Archaeology of Armenia", Russian Translation Series, Vol. III, No. 3, 232 pp., Cambridge (MA): Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 1968

ALEXIDZE, Zaza, "Four Recensions of the 'Conversion of Georgia' (Comparative Study)", in SEIBT, Werner (ed.), Die Christianisierung des Kaukasus — The Christianization of Caucasus, Vienna: the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2002

ALFEEVA, Valeria, Pilgrimage to Dzhvari: a woman’s journey of spiritual awakening, Bell Tower, 1992

ALIEV, G.A., & IZYUMOV, A.Z. (eds.), Cinnamon Forest Soils in the Eastern Part of the Greater Caucasus, Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1969

ALLEN, Robin, "A Journey to Svanetia", in The Geographical Journal, Vol. CXXXV, Part 1 (March 1969), London: The Royal Geographical Society, 1969

ALLEN, W.E.D., Beled-es-Siba — Sketches and Essays of Travel and History, with a Foreword by Major-General Lord Edward Gleichen, London: Macmillan, 1925

ALLEN, W.E.D., "New Political Boundaries in the Caucasus", in The Geographical Journal, Vol. LXIX, 1927

ALLEN, W.E.D., "The March-Lands of Georgia", in The Geographical Journal, Vol. LXXIV, No. 2, 1929, pp. 135-156

ALLEN, W.E.D., A History of the Georgian People from the Beginning Down to the Russian Conquest in the Nineteenth Century, London: Paul, 1932

ALLEN, W.E.D., "Note on the Caucasian Snow-Partridge", in Georgica, A Journal of Georgian and Caucasian studies, Nos 4 & 5, published for the Georgian Historical Society by Stephen Austin & Sons, Ltd., Hertford

ALLEN, W.E.D., "The Caucasian Borderland", in The Geographical Journal, Vol. IC, Nos 5 & 6, 1942, pp. 225-237

ALLEN, W.E.D., "Two Georgian maps of the first half of the eighteenth century", in Imago Mundi — A review of early cartography, Vol. X, 1953, pp. 99-123

ALLEN, W.E.D. (ed.), Russian Embassies to the Georgian Kings, 1589-1605, 2 volumes, Hakluyt Society, Cambridge University Press, 1970

ALLEN, W.E.D., & MURATOFF, Paul, Caucasian Battlefields: A History of the Wars on the Turko-Caucasian Frontier (1828-1921), New York: Cambridge University Press, 1953

ALIBEKOV, Manai, Adaty kumykov, 1927

ALLMENDINGER, Ernst, Katharinenfeld, ein deutsches Dorf im Kaukasus, self-published, 1989

ALTMANN, Christian, & NIENHUYSEN, Frank, Brennpunkt Kaukasus: Wohin steuert Rußland?, Köln: Bastei Lübbe, 1995

ALTSTADT, Audrey, The Azerbaijani Turks: Power and Identity under Russian Rule, Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1980

AMAGHLOBELI, Sergo Ivanovich, Gruzinskii teatr: osnovnye etapy razvitiia ["Georgian Theatre", with an introduction by Anatolii Lunacharskii, Soviet Commissar of Enlightenment], Moscow: State Academy of Arts, 1930

von AMBACH, Eduard, Die Tscherkessen, oder Dschatemir der Sohn des Barden — Ein historisch karakteristisches Gemälde aus dem Kaukasus, Augsburg: Jenisch u. Stage, 1860

AMIRANASHVILI, Shalva, Istoriia gruzinskogo iskusstva ["A History of Georgian Art"], Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo "Iskusstvo", 1950

AMIRANASHVILI, Shalva, Georgian Metalwork from Antiquity to the XVIIIth Century, London, New York, Sydney & Toronto: Hamlyn, 1971

AMPHOUX, Christian-Bernard, ELLIOTT, J.K., & OUTTIER, Bernard, Textual research on the Psalms and Gospels / Recherches textuelles sur les Psaumes et les Évangiles, Leiden: Brill, 2012 [272 pp.; 15 papers from the Tbilisi Colloquium on the Editing and History of Biblical Manuscripts.]

ANANIKIAN, Mardiros H., Armenian Mythology: Stories of Armenian Gods and Goddesses, Heroes and Heroines, Hells and Heavens, Folklore and Fairy Tales, Los Angeles: Indo-European Publishing, 2010

"Anatolisches Mosaik: Vom Stambul zum Kaukasus", in Die Karawane — Vierteljahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Länder- und Völkerkunde, No. 4, Ludwigsburg: Karawane-Verlag, 1977 [104 pp.]

ANDERSON, Alder, "Bee-keeping in the Caucasus", in [unknown publication], London: 1907 [8 pp. with 12 photographs]

ANDERSON, A.R., Alexander's Gate, Gog and Magog, Cambridge (Mass.): Mediaeval Academy of America, 1932

ANDERSON, Tony, Bread and Ashes — A Walk through the Mountains of Georgia, Jonathan Cape, 2003

ANDRONIKOV, Salome, Good Food From Abroad: From the Caucasus to London via Moscow & Paris, London: Harvill Press, 1953

ANET, Claude, La Perse en automobile à travers la Russie et le Caucase ["Persia by car through Russia and the Caucasus"], Paris: Juven, 1906

ANGRICK, Andrej, Besatzungspolitik und Massenmord — Die Einsatzgruppe D in der südlichen Sowjetunion 1941-1943 ["The politics of occupation and mass murder: Einsatzgruppe D in the southern Soviet Union 1941-1943"], Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2003 [796 pp.; 'a survey of the atrocities committed by the Einsatzgruppen in Nazi-occupied southern Russia during the first half of the Second World War'.]

ANIKST, Mikhail, Folk Tales from the Soviet Union: The Caucasus, Moscow: Raduga, 1987

ANKVAB, Vladimir, "Noire toison d'or: des noirs au Caucase" ["A black Golden Fleece: Black people in the Caucasus"], in Planète, No. 23, 1971

ANSTEIN, Hans, Graf Felician Zaremba, Basler Missionär im Kaukasus, Basel: Basler Missionsbuchhandlung, 1940 [62 pp.]

APAKIDZE, Joni, GOVEDARICA, Blagoje, & HÄNSEL, Bernhard (eds.), Der Schwarzmeerraum vom Äneolithikum bis in die Früheisenzeit [5000-500 v.Chr.], Vol. I: Kommunikationsebenen zwischen Kaukasus und Karpaten, Internationale Fachtagung von Humboldtianern für Humboldtianer im Humboldt-Kolleg in Tiflis, Georgien (17.-20. Mai 2007), Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2009 [272 pp.; No. 25 of the "Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa" series; see also Vol. II (Eugen SAVA, ed.) below; 'Kupfer und Edelmetall im Schwarzmeerraum des 5./4. Jts., frühe Gefäßbestattungen in Südosteuropa, die Entstehung und Ausbreitung der europäischen Kupferzeit, fremde Götter, Tauschmechanismen im bronzezeitlichen Südkaukasien, zyklopische Festungen und Siedlungen mit symmetrischem Grundriß der kaukasischen Spätbronzezeit sowie Siedlungen und Gebäudeformen der spätbronzezeitlichen/früheisenzeitlichen Kolchis-Kultur. Weitere Themen sind die absolute Datierung der Fundstelle Miciurin-Odaia, Nordmoldawien, Bestattungen der frühhallstattzeitlichen Saharna-Kultur, kaukasisches Symbolgut in Südosteuropa, Helme im Schwarzmeerraum des 5.-1. Jhs. v.Chr., Phaleren des graphischen Stils im nördlichen Schwarzmeergebiet des 3.-1. Jhs. v.Chr., Grabreliefs des 5. Jhs. v.Chr. aus Sinope, der Tempel des Apollon Smintheus in der Troas sowie die Topographie und Kontinuität vorantiker Siedlungen und Städte im östlichen Schwarzmeergebiet.']

APOLLONIUS OF RHODES, The Voyage of Argo, Penguin Classics, 1959

ARAKELOVA, Victoria, "Healing Practices among the Yezidi Sheikhs of Armenia", in Asian Folklore Studies, Vol. LX, No. 2, 2001

ARAKISHVILI, D.I., Kratky istorichesky ["A Short Historical Review of Georgian Music"], Tbilisi: Muzsektor Gosizdata, 1940

ARBEL, Rachel, & MARGAL, Lily, In the Land of the Golden Fleece: The Jews of Georgia — History and Culture, Tel Aviv: 1992

Archäologie und Volkskunst [aus] Dagestan — Völker zwischen Kaukasus und Kaspischem Meer, Katalog zur Ausstellung im Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum und im Vorarlberger Landesmuseum, 1999-2000 [127 pp. with many illustrations.]

ARDILLIER-CARRAS, François, & BALABANIAN, Olivier, L'Arménie: Avant-poste chrétien dans le Caucase, Grenoble: Glénat, 2003 [Preface by Charles Aznavour.]

ARIN, Engin, The voice of Turkism from behind the Iron Curtain on the occasion of the centenary anniversary of the Russian invasion of Turkestan, Istanbul: Ataturkist Cultural Publications, 1964

ARLT, Herbert, Mythologie und Gegenwart — der Kaukasus im Europäischen Bewusstsein, online paper at

"Armenia", "Azerbaijan", "Georgia", "North Caucasus", in Captive Nations in the U.S.S.R., Munich: Committee of the League for the Liberation of the Peoples of the U.S.S.R., 1963

ARMSTRONG, Thomas, A Ring has no End, London: Cassell, 1958 [A novel about Russian imperialism in the Caucasus.]

ARONSON, Howard, Georgian: A Reading Grammar, Columbus: Slavica Publishers Inc., 1990

ARROU-VIGNOD, Jean-Philippe, L'Homme du cinquième jour, Paris: Gallimard, 1997 [Novel, 331 pp. 'Octobre 1929. Le jeune ingénieur-géographe Andréï Tchinenoff, en mission cartographique dans le Caucase, voit son destin bouleversé par une étrange rencontre.']

ARTAMONOV, Mikhail Illarionovich, Istoriia Khazar ["A History of the Khazars"], Leningrad: Izd-vo Gos. Ermitazha, 1962 ['Founding father of modern Khazar studies. Researched Bronze and Iron Age settlements by the Don River, in the North Caucasus and in the Ukraine, excavating a great number of Scythian and Khazar kurgans and settlements. Early editions of this work (1937, 1939), which emphasized the enormous influence of the Khazars on the development of the early Rus' and other peoples, were denounced by the Soviet authorities, compelling Artamonov to recant in a new conclusion to his work.']

ARYS-DJANAÏEVA, Lora, & LEBEDYNSKI, Iaroslav (eds), Contes populaires ossètes (Caucase central) — textes traduits et présentés par Lora Arys-Djanaïeva et Iaroslav Lebedynski (ouvrage bilingue français-ossète), Paris: L'Harmattan (Collection "Voix du Caucase"), 2010

ARZHANTSEVA, Irina, "The Christianization of North Caucasus (Religious Dualism among the Alans)", in SEIBT, Werner (ed.), Die Christianisierung des Kaukasus — The Christianization of Caucasus, Vienna: the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2002

ARZRUNI [ARTSRUNI], "Über das Vorkommen von Zinnstein und die Bronzeindustrie des Kaukasus" ["On the discovery of tin ore and the bronze industry of the Caucasus"], in Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Vol. XVI, No. 2, Berlin: Verlag von A. Asher & Co., 1884 [3 pp.]

ASATRYAN, G., DANELIAN, T., SOSSON, M., SAHAKYAN, L. & GALOYAN, G., "Radiolarian evidence for Early Cretaceous (Late Barremian-Early Aptian) submarine activity in the Tethyan oceanic realm preserved in Karabagh (Lesser Caucasus)", in Ofioliti, 36(2), 2011, pp. 117-126

ASCHAUER, Gen. A.D., Auf Schicksalwegen gen Osten — Kriegserlebniße eines deutschen Jägerregiments in Rumänien, auf der Krim und im Kaukasus ["Along fateful paths to the East: War memories of a German Jäger regiment in Rumania, the Crimea and the Caucasus"], Munster: Helios Verlag, 1926

ASCHERSON, Neal, Black Sea — The Birthplace of Civilization and Barbarism, Jonathan Cape, 1995

ASMUS, Ronald, A little war that shook the world: Georgia, Russia, and the future of the West, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010

ATABIEV, B., "La riche tombe de Zaragij dans le Caucase du Nord", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 270 — "Russie, carrefour de l'Homo Sapiens", Paris: 2002 [pp. 76-79.]

ATAYEV, D.M., Avarskie narodnye skazki ("Avar folk tales"), Moscow: Nauka, 1982 [English translation by D.G. Hunt, unpublished]

AUCH, Eva-Maria, Öl und Wein am Kaukasus: Deutsche Forschungsreisende, Kolonisten und Unternehmer im Vorrevolutionären Aserbaidschan, Wiesbaden: Dr Ludwig Reichert, 2001

AUTHIER, Gilles, Grammaire juhuri, ou judéo-tat, langue iranienne des Juifs du Caucase de l'est, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2012 [336 pp.]

AUTLEV, Malich Gaisovich, & LAVROV, Leonid Ivanovich, Kultura i byt kolkhoznogo krestianstva Adygeiskoi avtonomnoi oblasti, Leningrad: Izd. Nauka, 1964 [219 pp. Ethnographic studies of Circassian peoples of the present-day Adygea Republic of the Caucasus. Contains 10 papers: "Proshloe i nastoiscee shovgenovskogo ayda"; "Obshtie svedeniia ob abadzekhakh"; "Obscestvennoe khoziaistvo kolkhoza i prtoizvodstvennii byt kolkhoznikov"; "Poselenie i zhilisce"; "Sredstva peredvizheniia i sviazi"; "Odezhda"; "Pisca"; "Semeinii i obscestvennii byt"; "Prosvescenie; Muzika i tantsevalnoe iskusstvo"; "Narodnoe dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo".]

AVALIANI, Tatiana (transl.), Anthologie des Classiques de la Poésie géorgienne, Tbilisi: Sabtchota Sakartvelo, 1979

AVALOV, Zurab, "The Caucasus since 1918", in The Slavonic Review, Vol. III, No. 8, London: Eyre & Spottiswoode for the School of Slavonic Studies, 1924

AVALOV, Zurab, The Independence of Georgia in International Politics, 1918-1921, Headley Brothers, 1940

AVIOUTSKII, Viatcheslav, Géopolitique du Caucase, Paris: Armand Colin, 2005


BABEROWSKI, Prof. Jörg, Der Feind ist überall: Stalinismus im Kaukasus, München: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2003 [888 pp.; Baberowski is Professor for Eastern European History at the Humboldt University in Berlin.]

BADALYAN, Ruben, & T. SMITH, Adam, "L'Arménie à l'âge du Bronze et à l'âge du Fer", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 321 — "Arménie, des origines à la christianisation", Paris: 2007 [pp. 38-41.]

BADDELEY, John Frederick, The Russian Conquest of the Caucasus, London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1908

BADDELEY, John Frederick, The Rugged Flanks of Caucasus, 2 volumes, Oxford: H. Milford for the Oxford University Press, 1940

BAGROW, Leo (ed.), "Italians on the Caspian", in Imago Mundi — A review of early cartography, Vol. XIII, 'S-Gravenhage (The Hague): Mouton & Co., 1956

BAIN, Robert Nisbet, Cossack Fairy Tales and Folk Tales, Selected, Edited and Translated by R. Nisbet Bain, New York: A.L. Burt, 1894

BAKAEV, Ch.H., Iaz'ik Azerbaidzhanskih Kurdov ["The Language of the Azerbaijani Kurds"], Moscow: Nauka, 1965

BAKAEVA, E.P., Buddizm v Kalmyckii — Istoriko-etnograficeskie ocerki, Elista: Kalmyckoe Kniznoe Izdatel'stvo, 1994 [127 pp.]

BAKANIDZE, Lela, SULAKVELIDZE, Alexander, SKOWRONSKI, Evan W., & O'CONNELL, Kevin P., Emerging and Endemic Pathogens [in the Caucasus and Central Asia], Springer Netherlands, 2010

BAKER, Randall, Adopting Eldar — Joy, Tragedy and Red Tape: A Unique International Adoption, Authorhouse: 2005

BAKHSALIEV, Veli, & MARRO, Catherine (eds.), The archaeology of Nakhichevan: Ten years of new discoveries, Istanbul: Ege Yayınları, 2009 [118 pp.; contents include 'The paleolithic and neolithic periods; the Chalcolithic period; the Kuro-Araxes culthure (early Bronze Age); the salt mine of Duzdagi; the painted pottery culture (middle Bronze Age); the rock-carvings of Gemikaya; the late Bronze and early Iron ages; the middle and late Iron Age cultures'.]

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COQUET, Louis, Les Héritiers de la 'Toison d'Or' ["The Heirs of the Golden Fleece"], Paris: 1931

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DEMIDOFF, E. (Prince San Donato), Hunting Trips in the Caucasus, London: Rowland Ward, 1898 [317 pp. with numerous photographs; a diary of three hunting expeditions—two to the Kuban district along the banks of the Laba River, and one 'directed towards the Russo-Persian Frontier between the Ararats and Ordoubad'.]

Der Allerneueste Staat von Casan, Astracan, Georgien und vieler andern dem Czaren, Sultan und Schach, Zinsbaren und Unterthanen Tartarn, Landschaften und Provinzien: samt Einer Kurzen Nachricht von der Caspischen See, dem Daria-Strom, ingleichen von dem Persischen Hof, und Dessen Allerneuesten Staats- und Kriegs- Verfassung; zur Erläuterung der Russisch- und Persischen Kriegs-Operationen Entworfen, und mit Dienlichen Kupfern Ausgezieret ["The very Latest Account of Kazan, Astrakhan, Georgia and many Other Possessions of the Czar, Sultan and Shah, Tributary and Vassal Tartars, Landscapes and Provinces: with a Brief Account on the Caspian Sea, of the Darya River, of the Persian court and its very latest state and military structures; published to provide an explanation of military operations between Russia and Persia, and illustrated with useful engravings"], Nürnberg: Wolfgang Moritz Endters seel. Erben, 1723

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Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 109 — "Premières villes en Gaule", Paris: 1986 [Besides "La civilisation atlantique et le commerce protohistorique", "Les oppida gaulois sur les routes commerciales", "Les villes d'origine romaine", "Les monuments urbains", &c., contents include "Des bâtisseurs venus du Caucase".]

DOUNDOUA, G.F., "Les trésors monétaires [de la Géorgie]" ["Monetary treasures of Georgia"], in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 88 — "Au pays de la Toison d'Or", Paris: 1984 [pp. 85-86.]

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ENGLE, Anita, Glass and the Silk Route, Jerusalem: Phoenix Publications, 1976 [Double issue 6 and 7 of Readings in Glass History; includes a chapter on "finds in the Caucasus".]

ENGLER, A., "Über die Vegetationsverhältnisse des Kaukasus auf Grund der Beobachtungen bei einer Durchquerung des westlichen Kaukasus (Vortrag gehalten bei einer gemeinsamen Sitzung der Freien Vereinigung der Pflanzengeographen und des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg am 6. Januar 1913)", in Verhandl. des Botan. Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg, Vol. LV, 1913

EPPELBAUM, Lev, & KHESIN, Boris, Geophysical Studies in the Caucasus, Springer-Verlag, 2012 [401 pp.; 'The subject of this book is the methodology and results of integrated geophysical investigations in the Caucasian region, mainly interpretation of magnetic and gravity anomalies with utilization of a huge petrophysical database for the evaluation of geological structure and mineral resources.']

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von ERCKERT, Roderich, Der Kaukasus und seine Völker, E. Baldamus, 1888

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von ERPSTHAUSEN, Adolf Ferdinand, Wende im Kaukasus: ein Bericht, 1960

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FÄHNRICH, Heinz, Kulturland Georgien — Kurzführer für Touristen, Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert, 2007 [352 pp.; "The Georgians are one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Caucasus, which during their history have created many splendid works of art and culture. This compilation lists all kinds of monuments that might be of interest to the traveler in the region, such as buildings, ruins, excavation sites, places of birth of artists and other persons of interest, but also nature reserves and spas."]

FÄHNRICH, Heinz, In den Bergen der Götter — Alte Glaubensvorstellungen, Überlieferungen und Bräuche bei den Georgiern des Kaukasus, Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert, 2009

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FARINA, Xenia, Classic Dances of the Orient, New York: Crown, 1967

FARSON, Daniel, A Dry Ship to the Mountains: Down the Volga and Across the Caucasus in my Father's Footsteps, London: Penguin, 1995

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FAVRE, Ernest, Recherches géologiques dans la partie centrale de la Chaîne du Caucase, 1875

FEDINA, A.E., "The Structure of Landscape Altitudinal Zonality on the Northern Slopes of the Greater Caucasus in the Baksan Basin, U.S.S.R.", in Arctic & Alpine Research, Vol. X, No. 2, Boulder (CO): University of Colorado Boulder, 1978

FENWICK, Rohan S.H., A Grammar of Ubykh, München: LINCOM, 2011 [225pp.; No. 19 in the "Studies in Caucasian Linguistics" series; 'Ubykh is one of the languages comprising the small North-West Caucasian (Abkhazo-Adyghean) language family. It is SOV, ergative, postpositional, head-marking, and massively agglutinative. First attested in around 1650 in the Seyâhatnâme of Evliya Çelebi, it was originally spoken in the region surrounding the modern Russian city of Sochi, then in exile in north-western Turkey after the 19th-century invasion of the northern Caucasus by the Russian Empire and subsequent emigration en masse of the Ubykh nation. Since the death in 1992 of Ubykh’s last competent native speaker, Tevfik Esenç, the language has been functionally extinct. Ubykh already has considerable linguistic renown for its titanic inventory of consonant phonemes (comprising at least 80 segments in the only well-attested dialect), but it also demonstrates great complexity in morphology and syntax. This sketch takes a heavily descriptive approach, outlining not only Ubykh’s complex phonology and phonetics, but also its inflectional and derivational morphology – including the most comprehensive account to date of Ubykh noun morphology – and syntax, with particular focus on describing attested idiolectic and dialectic variation. The sketch is liberally illustrated with examples drawn mainly from 14 identified speakers, and is based upon both the published corpus and previously unpublished field recordings; many of the example sentences and one of the sample texts are published here for the first time. It is hoped that this sketch, the first Ubykh grammar in English, will stimulate renewed interest in the language and provide a useful reference for Caucasological researchers.']

FERUGLIO, Valérie, & KHECHOYAN, Anna, "L'art rupestre d'Arménie", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 321 — "Arménie, des origines à la christianisation", Paris: 2007 [pp. 46-49.]

FESSENDEN, Reginald Kennelly (ed.), The Deluged Civilization of the Caucasus Isthmus — A collection of unpublished papers of the late Professor Reginald A. Fessendon, New York: privately printed, 1933 [From the introduction: 'In 1923 the late Professor Reginald A. Fessenden published the first six chapters of 'The deluged civilization of the Caucasus isthmus' and in 1927 published one additional chapter. The present posthumous volume contains four additional chapters (7-10) and seven articles on related subjects... Only one hundred copies have been printed for private distribution.' Contents: The records of the pre-deluge civilization of the Caucasus isthmus; The home of Abraham; How it was discovered that the so-called myth lands were the Cascusus isthmus; Finding a key to the sacred writings of the Egyptians; Caucasia, mother of the great civilizations; The morning land of the Caucasus; The zenith of the Babylonian astronomers; Plato's Atlantis word puzzle; The Egyptian ten pre-deluge kings of Solon and Plato; An apparently definite identification of masons with the Egyptian M-s-n; Synopsis of some unpublished chapters of the deluged civilization.]

FEUERSTEIN, Wolfgang, "Mingrelisch, Lazisch, Swanisch: alte Sprachen und Kulturen der Kolchis vor dem baldigen Untergang", in HEWITT, George (ed.), Caucasian Perspectives, München: LINCOM, 1992

FICHET DE CLAIREFONTAINE, François, "Caractérisation du mobilier céramique de la période achéménide [en Arménie]", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 321 — "Arménie, des origines à la christianisation", Paris: 2007 [p. 73.]

FICHET DE CLAIREFONTAINE, François, ROY, N., & DESCHAMPS, S., "Dans les montagnes d'Arménie", in Archéologia, No. 446 — "Arménie, des origines à la christianisation", Paris: 2007 [pp. 26-31.]

FIELD, Henry, Contributions to the Anthropology of Iran, 1939

FIELD, Henry, Contributions to the Anthropology of the Caucasus, Cambridge (MA): Peabody Museum of American Archaelogy and Ethnology, Vol. XLVIII, No. 1, 1953

Field excursion guidebook for the Donets Basin and the North Caucasus, Moscow: 1975

FIKES, Kesha, & LEMON, Alaina, "African Presence in Former Soviet Spaces", in Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, 2002

FISCHER, Andreas, Zwei Kaukasus-Expeditionen, Bern: Schmid, Francke & Co., 1891 [150 pp.; largely an account of the search for the mountaineers H. Fox, W.F. Donkin, K. Streight & J. Fisher, who vanished during an ascent of Dych-Tau; Fischer was a member of the search party.]

FISCHER, Andreas, Hochgebirgswanderungen in den Alpen und im Kaukasus, Frauenfeld, 1913

de FLEURY, Louis, Tumuli du Caucase fouillés par M. le Professeur Samokwassoff et leur rapport avec ceux du département de la Charente, Angoulême: L. Coquemard, 1894 ['[Paru] A Angoulême chez L. Coquemard, Libraire de la Société archéologique et historique de la Charente, Rue du Marché, No. 9.']

FLORENSKI, Friar Pawel, Meinen Kindern — Erinnerungen an eine Jugend im Kaukasus, Stuttgart: Urachhaus, 1993 [Friar Paul's memories of a childhood spent in the Caucasus.]

FOCH, A., Précis des forêts du Caucase — Édité par la Direction générale des forêts pour l'Exposition internationale de 1911 à Turin, Turin: Imprimerie Royale J.B. Paravia, 1911 [43 pp.]

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FORBES, Rosita, Conflict: Angora to Afghanistan, with a foreword by Sir Percy Sykes, London: Cassell & Co. Ltd, 1931 [302 pp.; "An informal study of the effects of an imposed modernization on Levantine countries; sections on the Caucasus, Armenia and Azerbaijan."]

FORSYTH, James, The Caucasus: a history, Cambridge: Universiy Press, 2013

FOSTER, Ruth, The Stone Horsemen — Tales from the Caucasus, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc., 1965 [87 pages; stories for children: The Stone Horsemen, The Stupid Wolf, The Brave Shepherd Boy, Unlucky Mussah, Djamukh, son of a deer, Hecho the Lazy, and others.]

FOURNIER, Eugène, Description géologique du Caucase Central, Marseille: Barthelet, 1896

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FRANÇOIS, Jules, "Le Caucase et ses eaux minérales — Mémoire lu à l'Académie des sciences, séance du 29 mai 1876", 1876

FRANKE, Kurt, Von Ostpreußen bis zum Kaukasus — Heimatvertriebene erinnern sich, Altdorf: Holder, 1986

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FRANKL, Dr Josef, "Die Mineralquellen des Kaukasus", Vienna: Royal & Imperial Geographical Society, 1864

FRASER, John Foster, Red Russia, London: Cassell & Co., 1907 [288 pp.; "The photographs are particularly interesting. A reporter's trip to Russia in 1907 after the failed 1905 Revolution. Fascinating chapters on the terror in Warsaw, the Jewish Pale, St Petersburg, the moods of Moscow, the Czar, The fair at Nijni-Novgorod, In the Famine region, the Caucasus, Baku, Black Sea pictures, Finland, etc."]

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FRENCH, Lt-Col F.J., From Whitehall to the Caspian, London: Odhams Press Ltd, 1920 [255 pp.; "Journey of author to the Caspian through seven war areas to reveal the obscure corners of the world where British sailor and soldiers fought and died as well as the circumstances which necessitated the Caspian Naval Expedition in an effort to save the Caucasus."]

FRESHFIELD, Douglas, "The Peaks, Passes and Glaciers of the Caucasus", London: Royal Geographical Society, 1888

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FRESHFIELD, Douglas W., The Exploration of the Caucasus, London & New York: Edward Arnold, 1896

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von FREYGANG, Wilhelm, Briefe über den Kaukasus und Georgien, nebst angehängtem Reisebericht aus Persien vom Jahre 1812, Hamburg: Perthes und Besser, 1817

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FRIESEN, Ute, & WÜRMLI, Marcus, KulturSchock — Kaukasus, Bielefeld: Reise Know-How Verlag Rump, 2004 [240 pp.; a study of 'why we often feel so helpless when we visit a "trusted" country which had hitherto felt so familiar' i.e. the effects of culture shock.]

FRITZ, Sonja, "Ossetians", in Encyclopedia of World Cultures Vol. IV, Human Relations Area Files, Inc., 1994

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HORNSTRA, Rob, & VAN BRUGGEN, Arnold, Safety First, Amsterdam: The Sochi Project, 2011 ['Entirely composed of negatives which were damaged by x-ray scanners during our stay in Grozny. In the Chechen capital, these scanners are not only placed at the entrance to the airport or government buildings, but also to shops, gyms, restaurants and outside on squares.']

HORNSTRA, Rob, & VAN BRUGGEN, Arnold, Life Here is Serious, Amsterdam: The Sochi Project, 2012 [46 pp. with 28 colour photographs of wrestling in the North Caucasus.]

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HORNSTRA, Rob, & VAN BRUGGEN, Arnold, The Secret History of Khava Gaisanova, Amsterdam: The Sochi Project, 2013 [352 pp. with 107 colour photograps; 'Khava Gaisanova lives in Chermen, a village in the heart of the North Caucasus. In 2007 her husband disappeared, like so many men in the North Caucasus disappear without a trace—kidnapped, arrested or simply executed and buried in anonymous graves. Writer Arnold van Bruggen and photographer Rob Hornstra met her by chance and became intrigued by her story, which is drenched with blood, but punctuated by the will to survive. Hornstra and van Bruggen then came to the attention of the security forces, who ultimately prevented them from travelling through the region. Even the strong Khava was intimidated and her family has avoided all contact since.']

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KATTERFELD, Anna, Felician von Zaremba — Ein Christuszeuge im Kaukasus, Basel: Evang. Missionsverlag, 1939 [197 pp.]

KATZ, Albert, Die Juden im Kaukasus, Hugo Schildberger, 1894

KAUFHOLD, Hubert, Kleines Lexikon des Christlichen Orients, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim: Harrassowitz, 2007 [576 pp.; 'Until the emergence of Islam in the 7th century, the majority of the Middle East was Christian. The location of the various oriental churches ranged from Ethiopia to the Caucasus, and from the Mediterranean to southern India, Central Asia and China. This volume, which was first published in 1975, provides an overview of oriental Christianity from its beginnings to modern times. The new edition has been heavily revised and updated. Includes a comprehensive bibliography.']

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LAMBERTI, Arcangelo, Relatione della Colchida, hoggi detta Mengrellia, nella quale si tratta dell' origine, costumi e cose naturali di quei paesi, Naples: Camillo Cavalli, 1654

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LANG, David Marshall, Lives and Legends of the Georgian Saints, Selected and Translated from the Original Texts, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1956

LANG, David Marshall, The Last Years of the Georgian Monarchy, 1658-1832, Columbia University Press, 1957

LANG, David Marshall, "War medals and paper-money of Georgia in Transcaucasia (1915-24)", in Museum Notes, Vol. VII, New York: The American Numismatic Society, 1957 [11 pp. with 12 plates.]

LANG, David Marshall, A Modern History of Soviet Georgia, Grove Press, 1962

LANG, David Marshall, The Georgians, London: Thomas and Hudson, 1966

LANG, David Marshall, The Balavariani (Barlaam and Josaphat): A Tale from the Christian East, translated from the Old Georgian by David Marshall Lang, Berkeley (CA): UNESCO Collection of Representative Works, 1966 [187 pp.]

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La otra Iberia: Etnografia de Caucaso occidental y central, Valencia: Diputacio de Valencia, 2004 [38 pp.; catalogue of an exhibition of the Museu de prehistoria i les cultures de Valencia, with a CD.]

LAPINSKI, Theophil, "Ein Opferfest bei den Adighe in Kaukasus", in Globus, Vol.2, 1862

LAPINSKI, Theophil, Die Bergvölker des Kaukasus und ihr Freiheitskampf gegen die Russen, nach eigener Anschauung geschildert von T. Lapinski (Tesik Bey), Oberst und Commandant einer polnischen Truppen-Abtheilung im Lande der unabhängigen Kaukasier, 2 volumes, Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1863

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LONGSTAFF, Tom, This my Voyage, London: John Murray, 1950 [Longstaff climbed extensively in the Alps, the Caucasus, the Himalayas, Selkirk, the Rocky Mountains, Greenland, and Spitsbergen. First ascents of Tiktingen, Latsga, Lakra, Bashiltau and the West Peak of Shkhara were achieved during a trip to the Caucasus in 1903.]

LONGWORTH, J.A., A Year among the Circassians, 2 vols., London: 1840

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MANNING, Paul, "Indexical categories in the Old Georgian relative clause: 'ese', 'ege', 'igi' ", in NSL 9: Linguistic Studies on the Non-Slavic Languages of the C.I.S. and the Baltic Republics, Chicago: University of Chicago, 1995

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MANNING, Paul, "The social poetics of Ilia Chavchavadze's Mgzavris C'erilebi ['Letters of a Traveler'] and the invention of Georgian dialect", paper presented to the Conference on the Cultures of Caucasia, Chicago: University of Chicago, 1999

MANNING, Paul, "Peasant in form, gentry in content: The representation of Mokhevian dialect in Ilia Chavchavadze's Mgzavris C'erilebi", paper presented to the Michigan-Chicago Graduate Student Conference in Linguistic Anthropology, Chicago: University of Chicago, 2000

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MANNING, Paul, Strangers in a Strange Land: Occidentalist Publics and Orientalist Geographies in Nineteenth-Century Georgian Imaginaries, Brighton (MA): Academic Studies Press, 2012 [348 pp.; 'Manning examines the formation of nineteenth-century intelligentsia print publics in the former Soviet republic of Georgia both anthropologically and historically. At once somehow part of "Europe," at least aspirationally, and yet rarely recognized by others as such, Georgia attempted to forge European style publics as a strong claim to European identity. These attempts also produced a crisis of self-definition, as European Georgia sent newspaper correspondents into newly reconquered Oriental Georgia, only to discover that the people of these lands were strangers. In this encounter, the community of "strangers" of European Georgian publics proved unable to assimilate the people of the "strange land" of Oriental Georgia. This crisis produced both notions of Georgian public life and European identity which this book explores.']

MANNING, Paul, Love Stories: Language, Private Love and Public Romance in Georgia, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015 [192 pp.; 'In the remote highlands of the country of Georgia, a small group of mountaindwellers called the Khevsurs used to express sexuality and romance in ways that appear to be highly paradoxical. On the one hand, their practices were romantic, but could never lead to marriage. On the other hand, they were sexual, but didn't correspond to what North Americans, or most Georgians, would have called sex. These practices were well documented by early ethnographers before they disappeared completely by the midtwentieth century, and have become a Georgian obsession. In this fascinating book, Manning recreates the story of how these private, secretive practices became a matter of national interest, concern, and fantasy. Looking at personal expressions of love and the circulation of these narratives at the broader public level of the modern nation, Love Stories offers an ethnography of language and desire that doubles as an introduction to key linguistic genres and to the interplay of language and culture.']

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MARSDEN, Phillip, The Crossing Place, Flamingo, 1994

MARSHALL, Alex, The Caucasus under Soviet Rule, Abingdon: Routledge, 2010

MARTEL, Édouard Alfred, La Côte d'Azur russe (Riviera du Caucase), Voyage en Russie méridionale, au Caucase occidental et en Transcaucasie (Mission du Gouvernement russe, 1903)

MARTEL, Édouard Alfred, La Côte d'Azur russe (Riviera du Caucase) — Voyage en Russie méridionale, au Caucase occidental et en Transcaucasie (Mission du Gouvernement russe, 1903) — Avec 388 gravures, 34 plans et coupes et une carte en couleurs d'après les photographies et les relevés de l'auteur, Paris: Delagrave, 1907 [358 pp.]

MARVIN, Charles, The Region of the Eternal Fire: An Account of a Journey to the Petroleum Region of the Caspian in 1883, London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1884

MASHURKO, M., "The Popular Beliefs in the Departments of Tiflis and Kutais" (Iz oblasti narodnoi fantazii i bita Tiflisskoi i Kuraisskoi gubernji), in S.M.C., Vol. XVIII, No. 3, 1898

von MASSOW, Wilhelm Franz Philipp, Aus Krim und Kaukasus — Reiseskizzen, Leipzig: G. Wigand, 1902 [142 pp. with 37 ill.]

MATVEEV, Konstantin Petrovich, History of Islam in the North Caucasus, London: BookExtra, 2001

MAYER, Tobias (ed.), von HEIDEMANN, Stefan, & RISPLING, Gert, Sylloge der Münzen des Kaukasus und Osteuropas im Orientalischen Münzkabinett Jena, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim: Harrassowitz, 1984 [243 pp. with 1,470 ills.; particular focus upon Georgian coins from the XIIth to the XIIIth centuries and local (Caucasus) copper coinage from the XVIIth to the XIXth centuries.]

McGOVERN, Patrick E., VOUILLAMOZ, J.F., ERGUL, A., SÖYLEMEZOĞLU, G., TEVZADZE, G., & GRANDO, M.S., "Genetic characterization and relationships of traditional grape cultivars from Transcaucasia and Anatolia", in Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization & Utilization, Vol. IV, No. 2, pp. 144-58

McQUEEN-WILLIAMS, Morvyth, & APISSON, Barbara, A diet for 100 healthy happy years: Health secrets from the Caucasus, Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall, 1977

MECKELEIN, Richard, Deutsch-Georgisches-Wörterbuch, part of the Lehrbücher des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin series, Berlin & Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 1937 [Vol. I, A-K], and 1943 [Vol. II]

MEHRING, Walter, Timoshenko, Marshal of the Red Army: A study, New York: Albert Unger, 1942 [Soviet marshal, in command of the Caucasus front in 1943.]

MELIKICHVILI, G., "D'où viennent les Géorgiens?", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 88 — "Au pays de la Toison d'Or", Paris: 1984 [pp. 18-19.]

MELIKSTIAN, Kh., & PERNICKA, Ernest, "Les débuts de la métallurgie en Arménie", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 321 — "Arménie, des origines à la christianisation", Paris: 2007 [pp. 36-37.]

MEPISASCHWILI, R., & ZINZADSE, W. [R. MEPISASHVILI & W. TSINTSADZE], Die Kunst des alten Georgien, Leipzig: Edition Leipzig, 1977

MERKL, Willy, BERCHTOLD, Fritz, & RÄCHL, Walter, "Bericht über die Deutsche Kaukasus-Kundfahrt 1929" ["Report on the German Caucasus Expedition of 1929"], in BARTH, Hans (ed.), Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins, Vol. LXII (1931), Innsbruck: Verlag d. Dt. u. Österr. Alpenvereins, 1931

MERLIEUX, Édouard, Les princesses russes prisonnières au Caucase: Souvenirs d'une Française captive de Chamyl, recueillis par Édouard Merlieux, Paris: F. Sartorius, 1857

MERLIN, Aude, & SERRANO, Silvie (eds), Ordres et désordres au Caucase, Brussels: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2010

MERZBACHER, Gottfried, & von AMMON, Ludwig, Aus den Hochregionen des Kaukasus: Wanderungen, Erlebnisse, Beobachtungen, Leipzig: Verlag von Duncker und Humblot, 1901

von MÉSZARÓS, Julius, Die Päkhy-Sprache, Vol. IX of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago's 'Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization' series, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1934 [402 pp.]

MEUNIER, Stanislas (Mme) [i.e. Meunier's widow], De Saint-Pétersbourg à l'Ararat, Paris: L. May, 1899

MEYER, Carl Anton, Verzeichniss der Pflanzen, welche während der, auf allerhöchsten Befehl, in den Jahren 1829 und 1830 unternommenen Reise im Caucasus und in den Provinzen am westlichen Ufer des Caspischen Meeres gefunden und eingesammelt worden sind, St Petersburg: Press of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1831

MEYER, L., "L'or de la Toison d'Or", in Archéologia, No. 448 — "Tyr, les ports antiques redécouverts", Paris: 2007 [pp. 66-69.]

MEYERS, Claude, Mythologies, histoires, actualités des drogues, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007 [Contains a chapter entitled "Le cannabis chez le Vieux de la montagne dans le Caucase".]

MIANSAREANTS, M., Bibliographia Caucasica et Transcaucasica — Essai d'une bibliographie systématique relative au Caucase, à la Transcaucasie et aux populations de ces contrées, 2 volumes, St Petersburg: 1874-76 [804 pp., 4,840 entries. Reprinted in Amsterdam by Meridian Publishing Co. in 1967, by Martino in 2001, &c.]

MICHELL, Thomas, Handbook for Travellers in Russia, Poland, and Finland; including the Crimea, Caucasus, Siberia, and Central Asia (Fifth Edition, thoroughly revised), London: John Murray, 1893

MIKELADZÉ, T.K., "La civilisation colchidienne", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 88 — "Au pays de la Toison d'Or", Paris: 1984 [pp. 54-59.]

Militärgeographische Angaben über das Europäische Rußland — Kaukasien (mit Gebiet Rostow und ASSR Kalmukien), Berlin: Generalstab des Heeres (Abteilung für Kriegskarten und Vermeßungswesen), 1941

MILKOMANE, George ("George SAVA"), Valley of the Forgotten People, London: Faber & Faber, 1941

MILLER, Vsevolod F., & FREIMAN, Alexander, Osetinsko-russko-nemeckij slovar [''Ossetian-Russian-German dictionary'']

MILLER, Vsevolod Fedorovich, Osetinsko - russko - nemeckij slovar ["Ossetian - Russian - German dictionary"], 3 volumes, Leningrad: Izd. Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1927 [1,729 pp.; reprinted in the Hague (Alexander FREIMAN, ed.) by Mouton & Co. in 1972.]

MILNE, G.D., "Despatch by Sir G.D. Milne, Commander in Chief, the Army of the Black Sea", the Fourth Supplement to The London Gazette of Tuesday the 4th of January 1921, London: 1921 [Contents: 1. Events in Turkey; 2. Events in the Caucasus and Trans-Caspia; 3. Evacuation of the British Military Mission in South Russia; 4. General Remarks.]

MINASSIAN, Gaidz, Caucase du sud, la nouvelle guerre froide: Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Géorgie, Paris: Autrement, 2007

MINNS, Ellis H., Scythians and Greeks: A Survey of Ancient History and Archaeology on the North Coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Caucasus, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1913

MINORSKY, Vladimir, Studies in Caucasian History, London: Cambridge Oriental Series, 1953

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MINORSKY, Vladimir, The Turks, Iran and the Caucasus in the Middle Ages, Variorum Reprints, 1978

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MIRACHVILI-SPRINGER, Nana, Prostituées repenties et femmes travesties dans l’hagiographie Géorgienne, Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, 2014

MNATSAKANIAN, A.Sh., O literature Kavkazskoi Albanii ["The Literature of the Caucasian Albanians"], Yerevan: Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk Armianskoi SSR, 1969

Monatshefte für Politik und Wehrmacht, 1889

MONGAIT, Alexandre L., Archaeology in the U.S.S.R. — Translated by M.W. Thompson, London: Penguin Books, 1961 [A survey of archaeological knowledge in the Soviet Union (from Paleolithic to Medieval) during the Communist era with a consequent Marxist interpretation of history applied to the subject, at a time when Western knowledge of Russian archaeology was almost unknown, with c. 90 illustrations. A French translation was published in Moscow in 1959.]

MONTEITH, William, Notes on Georgia and the new Russian conquest beyond the Caucasus, London: Self-published, 1829 ['The following Notes on Georgia and the New Russian conquests beyond the Caucasus were collected by me when charged with the delineation of the Frontier between Persia and Russia, they were solely intended for my own use but having been often solicited for Copies I have thought it more convenient to get a few printed for distribution among those who had expressed a wish to have them.']

MONTELEONE, Davide, Le chardon rouge — Voyage dans le nord Caucase, Paris: Actes Sud, 2012

MORANDI, Maura, Georgia: Viaggio nel cuore del Caucaso, Vicchio di Mugello: Polaris, 2013 [336 pp.]

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MORGAN, E. Delmar, "The Customs of the Ossetes and the Light They Throw on the Evolution of Law, compiled from Professor Maxim Kovalevsky's Russian work, "Contemporary Custom and Ancient Law", and translated with Notes by E. Delmar Morgan, M.R.A.S.", in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol.20, London: 1888

de MORGAN, Jacques, Mission scientifique au Caucase: études archéologiques et historiques, 2 volumes, Paris: E. Leroux, 1889 [Vol. I: Les premiers âges des métaux dans l'Arménie russe, 231 pp.; Vol. II: Recherches sur les origines des peuples du Caucase, 305 pp.]

MORITZ, Arnold (ed.), Lebenslinien des meteorologischen Stationen am Kaukasus — Eine Übersicht der Tagebücher, welche in dem meteorologischen Archive des Tiflisschen Observatoriums aufbewahrt werden, St. Petersburg: Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1859

MOSER, Joseph, The Hermit of Caucasus: An Oriental Romance, 2 volumes, London: William Lane, 1796

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MOSKVICH, Grigorii, Illioustrirovannyi praktitcheskii putervoditiel po Kavkazu [Practical illustrated guidebook to the Caucasus], Odessa: L. Nitce, 1902

MOUNSEY, Augustus H., A Journey Through the Caucasus and the Interior of Persia, London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1872 ['Augustus H. Mounsey, F.R.G.S., Second secretary to Her Majesty's Embassy at Vienna.']

Mountain Warfare Military Training Pamphlet No.56, War Office, MEF, 1944

MOURADIAN, Claire, De Staline à Gorbachev, histoire d'un république soviétique: l'Arménie, Paris: Éditions Ramsay, 1990

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MOURIER, Jules, La Mingrélie, ancienne Colchide, Paris[?]: 1883

MOURIER, Jules, La Bibliothèque d'Edchmiadzine et les manuscrits arméniens, Tiflis: impr. de Mélikoff, 1885 [14 pp. with plates; a French translation of Sergei SEMENOVICH's Russian-language original.]

MOURIER, Jules, "Batoum et le bassin du Tchorok", in Revue de géographie (July-August 1886), Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1887 [70 pp.]

MOURIER, Jules, "Chota Rousthavéli, poète géorgien du XIIe siècle, sa vie et son oeuvre", in Journal asiatique, Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1887 [11 pp.]

MOURIER, Jules, "L'art religieux au Caucase", in Petite bibliothèque d'art et d'archéologie, Vol. V, Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1887 [151 pp.]

MOURIER, Jules, Contes et légendes du Caucase, traduits par J. Mourier, Paris: Maisonneuve & C.Leclerc, 1888

MOURIER, Jules, Guide au Caucase, Paris: Librairie orientale et américaine de J. Maisonneuve, 1894 [219 pp. of introductury information, followed by 202 pp. of itineraries. The online catalogue of the Bibliothèque nationale de France states that Mourier's Guide was published three years earlier by Liberman in Tiflis in 1891; it also notes that Mourier's description of the route between Vladikavkaz and Tbilisi in the Guide—i.e. the Georgian Military Road, no doubt one of the most popular itineraries for French visitors at the time—had previously been published (already as a "2e fascicule, 4e édition"; 25 pp. with a map) by Baerenstamm in Tiflis in 1887.]

MRME'REAN, Harut'iwn G., Hin o'rer u ayd o'rerun hay metsatunnere ["The Old Days and the Wealthy Armenians of Those Times"], Venice: 1901 [217 pp.; a study of the wealthy Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and the Caucasus during the period 1550 to 1870.]

MÜLLER, Ferdinand Heinrich, Der Ugrische Volksstamm, oder Untersuchungen über die Ländergebiete am Ural und am Kaukasus in historischer, geographischer und ethnographischer Beziehung, Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1837

MÜLLER-SIMONIS, P., & HYVERNA, H., Du Caucase au Golfe Persique à travers l'Arménie, le Kurdistan et la Mésopotamie, par P. Muller-Simonis, suivi de notices sur la géographie et l'histoire ancienne de l'Arménie et les inscriptions cunéiformes du bassin de Van, par H. Hyverna, Paris: Lyon, Delhomme & Briguet, 1892

MULS, August, BRAET, Johan, & STOLS, Eddy, In de Kaukasus — Dagboek van August Muls, een Antwerps mijnexploitant 1917-1918, EPO, 1990

MUMMERY, My Climbs in the Alps and Caucasus, with an Introduction by Mrs. Mummery, London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1913

MURRAY, John (ed.), Hand-book for Travellers in Russia, Poland, and Finland; including the Crimea, Caucasus, Siberia, and Central Asia, London: James Wyld (John Murray), 1875 [Revised third edition.]

MURRAY, Maturin, The Circassian Slave, or, the Sultan's Favorite: a Story of Constantinople and the Caucasus, HardPress Publishing, 2010

MUTAFIAN, Claude, & VAN LAUWE, Eric, Atlas historique de L'Arménie: proche-Orient et sud-Caucase du VIIIe siècle av. J.-C. au XXIe siècle, Paris: Autrement, 2001

MÜTZELBURG, Adolf, Der Held von Garika: Roman aus den Ländern des Kaukasus, 3 volumes, Leipzig: Ernst Julius Günther, 1866


NAJJAR, Alexandre, Les exilés du Caucase, Paris: Grasset, 1995 [Novel.]

NAKHUTSRISHVILI, George Sh., "The Vegetation of the Subnival Belt of the Caucasus Mountains", in Arctic & Alpine Research, Vol. XXX, No. 3, Boulder (CO): University of Colorado Boulder, 1998

NAMITOK, Aytek, Origines des Circassiens — Première partie, Paris: Lib. Paul Geuthner, 1939 [No further volumes ever published; contents: Aperçu ethnographique de la Circassie; Tableau ethnographique de la Circassie de l'époque gréco-romaine; Colonies précircassiennes en Asie mineure; De l'antiquité à nos jours]

NANSEN, Fridtjof, Gjennem Caucasus til Volga, Oslo: Jacob Dybwads Forlag, 1929 (translated by G.C. Wheeler, Through the Caucasus to the Volga, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1931)

NASIDZE, Ivane, & STONEKING, Mark, "Mitochondrial DNA Variation and Language Replacements in the Caucasus", in Proceedings: Biological Sciences, 268(1472), 2001, pp. 1197-1206

NASMYTH, Peter, In the Mountains of Poetry, London: Curzon Press, 1998

NASMYTH, Peter, Walking in the Caucasus, London: I.B. Tauris, 2005

NATHE, Kadir I., Old and New Tales of the Caucasus, New York: self-published, 1969

NAWROTH, Manfred, "Deutsche im Kaukasus bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts", in IGUMOWA, Tamara, & WERNHOFF, Matthias (eds.), Russen und Deutsche: 1,000 Jahre Wissenschaft, Kunst und Kultur, 2 volumes, Petersberg (Kr. Fulda): Michael Imhof, 2012 [383 pp. & 560 pp., respectively; the catalogue of an exhibition held in Moscow (June 2012) and Berlin (October 2012).]

NEBLO, Sandro, Sacred Earth, Hollywood: self-published, 1948 [The anti-communist memoirs of a soldier from Georgia.]

NEKRICH, Aleksandr M., The Punished Peoples: The Deportation and Fate of Soviet Minorities at the End of the Second World War — Translated from the Russian by George Saunders, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1978

NELSON, Kay Shaw, Cuisines of the Caucasus Mountains: Recipes Drinks and Lore from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Russia, Hippocrene Books, 2002

NEY, Napoléon, En Asie Centrale à la vapeur: la Mer Noire, la Crimée, le Caucase, la Mer Caspienne, les chemins de fer sibériens et asiatiques, l'inauguration du chemin de fer transcaspien, l'Asie centrale, Merv, Bokhara, Samarkand — Préface de Pierre Véron, dessins de Dick de Lonlay, Paris: Garnier Frères, 1888

NICHOLS, Johanna, Some parallels in Slavic and Northeast Caucasian folklore, paper presented at the second Conference on the Cultures of the Caucasus, University of Chicago, May 1985

NICHOLS, Johanna, "The Caucasus as a linguistic area, 1: personal pronouns", in HEWITT, George (ed.), Caucasian Perspectives, München: LINCOM, 1992

NICHOLS, Johanna, "The Origin of the Chechen and Ingush: A Study in Alpine Linguistic and Ethnic Geography", in Anthropological Linguistics, Vol. IV6, No. 2, 2004

NIELING, Jens, Die Einführung der Eisentechnologie in Südkaukasien und Ostanatolien während der Spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2009 [363 pp.; No. 10 of the "Black Sea Studies" series; 'Im Hochland Ostanatoliens treffen im späten 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. drei Lebensweisen aufeinander und sind denselben ungünstigen Klimabedingungen unterworfen: Die orientalischen Hochkulturen der Hethiter und Assyrer sind im Rückzug begriffen. Südkaukasische Adelsgefolgschaften mussten ihre angestammten Siedlungskammern verlassen. Sie treffen auf traditionelle Nomadengesellschaften. Aus der folgenden Akkulturation wird gegen Ende der Früheisenzeit das Urartäische Reich entstehen. Gleichzeitig verdrängt Eisen die im »Erzgebirge« Kaukasus reichlich vorhandene, identitätsstiftende Bronze. In einem interdisziplinären archäologisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Ansatz wird vorgelegt, zu welchen Leistungen die frühen Metallurgen in der Lage waren und welche Forschungsmeinungen als überholt gelten müssen.']

NIJARADZE, Besarion ["თავისუფალი სვანი", "Free Svan"], ისტორიულ-ეთნოგრაფიული ცერილები ["Historic-Ethnographic Letters"] [concerning Svaneti], 2 volumes, Tbilisi: Tbilisi University Press, 1962 (reprint)

NIJEHOLT, Voyage en Russie, au Caucase et en Perse, dans la Mésopotamie, le Kurdistan, la Syrie, La Palestine et la Turquie, 1874

NIKOLAI, Erwin, Moldau, Don, Dnjepr, Kaukasus — Mit Viehwagen ins Elend russischer Gefangenenlager ["Moldova, Don, Dniepr, Kaukasus — By cattle-car into the misery of a Soviet prisoner of war camp"], Kiel: Arndt-Verlag in der Rathaus-Buchhandlung, 1982 [190 pp.]

NIORADZE, Dr Georg, Die Berg-Ossen, Berlin: D. Reimer, 1923

NIORADZE, Dr Georg, Begräbnis- und Totenkultus bei den Chewssuren, mit 33 Abbildungen auf Tafeln, Stuttgart: Strecker und Schröder, 1931 [60 pp.; a fascinating and detailed description of funerary customs among the Khevsurs based upon Dr Nioradze's study of two burials in Khevsureti in 1927.]

NIORADZE, Dr Georg, Die Ausgrabungen im Alasantale, Tiflis: Verlegt von der Georgischen Abteilung der Akademie der Wiss. der USSR, 1940

de NOGALES, Raphael, Four Years Beneath the Crescent, London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926 ['Nogales was a Venezuelian mercenary who fought for the Turkish army against the Russians in the Caucasus and against the British in Mesopotamia and Palestine. He claimed to have been the only Christian to have witnessed the Armenian massacres and deportations. [...] He gives valuable insights into the organisation and fighting ability of the Turkish army.']

NOONAN, T., "Les Khazars et le commerce oriental", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 256 — "Les échanges au moyen âge", Paris: 2000 [pp. 82-83.]

NORMAN, Henry, All the Russias — Travels and Studies in Contemporary European Russia, Finland, Siberia, the Caucasus, & Central Asia, with 137 Illustrations, chiefly from the Author's Photographs, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1902

"North Caucasus Section", in Tactical and Technical Trends, No. 10 (22nd of October 1942), War Department, 1942

NOSKA, Max, Das kaukasische Birkhuhn (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi Tacz): Eine monographische Studie unter Mitwirkung von Victor Ritter von Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Hallein: Druck von Johann L. Bondi & Sohn in Wien, 1895

NOVAKOVA, Zuzana, & SVOBODOVA, Julie, Contes des pays du Caucase, Paris: Gründ, 1977

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NUGUES, Louis Saint-Cyr, Le Général Colson: Sa misson en Russie et son voyage au Caucase, Paris: Librairie Militaire Dumaine, 1872

NUSSIMBAUM, Lev (a.k.a "Essad BEY"), Blood and Oil in the Orient, Grayson & Grayson, 1925

NUSSIMBAUM, Lev (a.k.a "Essad BEY"), Der Kaukasus — Seine Berge, Völker und Geschichte, Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1931

NUSSIMBAUM, Lev (a.k.a "Essad BEY"), Twelve Secrets of the Caucasus, Nash & Grayson, 1931


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OBERLÄNDER, Theodor, Der Osten und die Deutsche Wehrmacht: Sechs Denkschriften aus den Jahren 1941-43 gegen die NS Kolonialthese ["The East and the German Wehrmacht: Six memoirs from the years 1941-1943 against the National-Socialist colonial theory"], Asendorf: MUT Verlag, 1987

OBOLENSKY, Chloe (ed.), Das Alte Rußland — Ein Porträt in frühen Photographien, 1850-1914, Frankfurt am Main, Wien & Zürich: Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1981 [300 pp. incl. 477 black-and-white photographs.]

OCHIAURI, Tinatini, ქართველთა უძველესი სარწმუნოების ისტორიიდან [''From the history of the Georgians' most ancient religious beliefs''], Tbilisi: Academy of Sciences of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, 1954

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OCHSENKNECHT, Ingeborg, "Als ob der Schnee alles zudeckte" — Eine Krankenschwester erinnert sich an ihren Kriegseinsatz an der Ostfront, Berlin: Ullstein, 2005 [239 pp.; diary of a German Red Cross nurse who accompanied the German advance to the Caucasus in 1942.]

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OMONT, Excursion aux eaux minérales du Caucase, Paris: 1886

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REISSNER, Ilma, Georgien: Goldenes Vlies und Weinrebenkreuz — Ein Bildband, Würzburg: Verlag "Der Christliche Osten", 1998 [121 colour photographs.]

REITER, Erich (ed.), Der Krieg um Bergkarabach: Krisen- und Konfliktmanagement in der Kaukasus-Region, Wien: Böhlau, 2009 [281 pp.; part of Vol. II of the Internationales Institut für liberale Politik in Vienna's "Schriftenreihe zur internationalen Politik".]

RENNGARTEN, V., La faune des dépôts crétacés de la région d'Assa-Kambiléevka (Caucase du nord), Leningrad: Isdanie Geologitscheskowo Komiteta Leningrad, 1926 [132 pp.; in Russian and in French.]

RENOUX, C. (ed.), Le lectionnaire albanien des manuscrits géorgiens palimpsestes N Sin 13 et N Sin 55 (Xe-XIe siècle) — Essai d'interprétation liturgique, Turnhout: Brepols, 2013

RICHARDSON, Charles O., "French Plans for Allied Attacks on the Caucasus Oil Fields, January-April, 1940", in French Historical Studies, Vol. VIII, No. 1, 1973

RICHET, Chr., "La Géorgie, de la Préhistoire à la fin de l'Antiquité", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 88 — "Au pays de la Toison d'Or", Paris: 1984 [pp. 8-11.]

RICKMER-RICKMERS, W., "Lazistan and Ajaristan", in The Geographical Journal, Vol. LXXXIV, No. 6, 1934, pp. 465-478

RIETDORF, Werner, Kaukasusreise: Westkaukasus, Swanetien, Elbrusregion, Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus, 1990 [158 pp.]

RIKLI, Prof. Dr. Martin, & RUEBEL, Eduard, Vegetationsbilder aus dem westlichen Kaukasus, Fischer, 1913

RIKLI, Prof. Dr. Martin (ed.), Natur- und Kulturbilder aus den Kaukasusländern und Hocharmenien von Teilnehmern der schweizerischen naturwissenschaftlichen Studienreise, Sommer 1912, Zürich: Art. Institut Orell Füssli, 1914 [317 pp.]

RILLI, Nicola, "Terre sconosciute: La Cewsuria", Firenze: 1952 [13 pp.]

RIOSCHMANN, Lieut-Col Hans, MS P-148 Mountain Warfare, U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Office, 1954 [Discusses the operations of the 1st Mountain Division in the Caucasus, August through September, 1942.]

RITTER, Carl, Die Vorhalle europaeischer Voelkergeschichten vor Herodotus, um den Kaukasus und an den Gestaden des Pontus, Berlin: G. Reimer, 1820

RITTER, Carl, Über Alexander des Großen Feldzug am Indischen Kaukasus, Berlin: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1831

RIVERA NÚÑEZ, Diego, & MATILLA SÉIQUER, Gonzalo, Plants and humans in the Near East and the Caucasus : ancient and traditional uses of plants as food and medicine, a diachronic ethnobotanical review: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey, 2 volumes, Murcia: Editum, 2012 [vol. 1: 341 pp.; vol. 2: 1,057 pp.]

RIVKIN, Pavel, Arms and Armor of Caucasus, Yamna Publishing, 2015 [338 pp. with 213 colour illustrations; most likely an English translation of the author's Oružie i voennaja istorija Kavkaza (Zaporožʹe: Muzej Istorii Oružija, 2011).]

"Roaming Russia's Caucasus", in The National Geographic Magazine, Vol. LXXXII, No. 1 (July 1942), Washington: National Geographic Society, 1942

ROBERTS, Sir Randal Howland, Asia Minor and the Caucasus, J.R. Osgood and Company, 1877

ROBINSON, Neil, World Rail Atlas and Historical Summary, Vol. VIII: The Middle East and Caucasus, Darfield (South Yorkshire): World Rail Atlas Ltd, 2006 [With detailed maps. Features the railway systems, past and present, of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. '[The] accompanying text provides chronological details of the development of each country’s rail systems, as well as important social and economic changes since the first openings in the days of Ottoman or Russian rule.' Printed by the "T. Kableshkov" Higher School of Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria.]

de ROHAN, La Duchesse Herminie de La Brousse de Verteillac, Les Dévoilées du Caucase: Notes de voyage, Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1910 ['A son altesse la Princesse Salomé Murat, qui m'a fait ouvrir avec une grace sans pareilles les portes de son merveilleux Caucase, je dédie ces modestes lignes.']

ROHRBACH, Paul, Vom Kaukasus zum Mittelmeer — Eine Hochzeits- und Studienreise durch Armenien, B.G. Teubner, 1903

ROHRBACHER, Heinrich, Georgien — Bibliographie des deutschsprachigen Schrifttums, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim: Harrassowitz, 2008 [562 pp.; over 7,000 references; 'Die Bibliographie enthält über 7000 z. T. annotierte Titel über Georgien, ehemalige georgische Provinzen in Nordost- Anatolien und georgische Siedlungsgebiete außerhalb des Mutterlandes unter den Gliederungspunkten: Archäologie, Kultur- und Kunstgeschichte, Byzantinistik, Geschichte, Literaturwissenschaft und Philologie, Theologie, Kirchengeschichte, Christlicher Orient und Sprachwissenschaft.']

ROHWER, Hans Joachim, Die heisse Stadt, Berlin: Edition Karo, 2010 [127 pp.; a recent account of Christmas in Georgia, which had been 'officially banned for 70 years'.]

ROMMEL, Dietrich Christoph, Caucasiarum Regionum et Gentium Straboniana Descriptio, Lipsiae, 1804

ROMMEL, Dietrich Christoph, "Erörterungen über einige Gegenstände der alten Geographie Asiens: Über den Sitz des Mosaischen Paradieses und der Sündfluth. Über den Caucasus. Über die Amazonen. Über den geographischen sitz der Aorsen, Awaren und Hunnen.", in Allgemeine Geographische Ephemeriden, Weimar: Industrie-Comptoirs, 1806

ROMMEL, Dietrich Christoph, Die Völker des Caucasus nach den Berichten der Reisebesschreiber nebst einem Anhange zur Geschichte des Kaukasus, Weimar: Landes-Industrie-Comptoire, 1808

RONDET-SAINT, Maurice, Aux confins de l'Europe et de l'Asie, Paris: Plon, 1913

ROTHSTEIN, Andrew, A People Reborn: The Story of North Ossetia, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1954

RUBINSON, Karen, & SAGONA, Antonio, Ceramics in Transitions: Chalcolithic Through Iron Age in the Highlands of the Southern Caucasus and Anatolia, Peeters Publishers, 2008

RUDOLPH, Fritz, STULZ, Percy, & LEWENSTEIN, Henry, Kawkas, querdurch! — Tagebuchblätter und fotografische Notizen einer Kaukasus-Durchquerung, mit 300 Worte Alpinistenrussisch und Hinweise für Kaukasus-Fahrer

RUDOLPH, Fritz, STULZ, Percy, & LEWENSTEIN, Henry, Kawkas, querdurch! — Tagebuchblätter und fotografische Notizen einer Kaukasus-Durchquerung, mit 300 Worte Alpinistenrussisch und Hinweise für Kaukasus-Fahrer ["Caucasus: straight through! — Diary and photographic notes of a crossing of the Caucasus, with a 300-word list of Russian mountaineering terms and recommendations for visitors to the region"], Berlin: Sportverlag, 1961 [319 pp.; an illustrated account of a historic East German traverse of the Caucasus.]

RUGARD, M., Krim- und Kaukasus-fahrt — Bilder aus Rußland nach eigener Anschauung und authentischen Berichten, Breslau: Schlesische Buchdruckerei, Kunst- und Verlags-Anstalt, vorm. S. Schottländer, 1891

RUKHADZE, Julietta Akakievna, LUKIASHVILI, A., & CHKONIA, I., Sopeli Akura: Etnograpiul da antropologiur mecnierebata VII saertasoriso kongresisatvis ["The Village of Akura: Materials collected for the VIIth International Congress of Ethnography and Anthropology"], Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 1964 [199 pp., an ethnographic study of the village of Akura in Georgia.]

RUPRECHT, F.J., Barometrische Hohenbestimmungen im Caucasus, ausgeführt in den Jahren 1860 und 1861 für pflanzen-geographische Zwecke, Kessinger Pub., 2010

Russia: Report on the Tea Industry of the Caucasus, Foreign Office, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1903

Russia: Report for the Year 1890 on the Trade of the Consular District of Batoum, Foreign Office, Diplomatic and Consular Reports of Trade and Finance No. 871, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1891

Russia: Report for the Year 1905 on the Trade of Batoum and District, Foreign Office, London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1906

Russia: The Official Report of the British Trades Union Delegation to Russia and Caucasia Nov. and Dec. 1924, London: Trades Union Congress General Council, 1925

RUSTAVELI, Shota, The Knight in the Panther-Skin [Encyclopaedia Britannica: 'The date of composition of Shota Rustaveli’s Vepkhvistqaosani (The Knight in the Panther’s Skin) can only be conjectured. It is not mentioned in the chronicle Istoriani da azmani sharavandedtani ("Histories and Praises of Crowned Monarchs"), composed just after Queen Tamara’s death (c. 1213), and it is unlikely that such a poem was written after the Mongol invasion of 1225. It was therefore most probably composed about 1220. The earliest quotation from the poem dates to the 15th century, and the earliest manuscript copy of it is from the 17th century.']

RYCHKOV, Yu. G., Studies of the Process of Isolation Among Some Tribes in the Pamirs and the Caucasus, Moscow: Nauka, 1964


SAGARADZE, M., "Customs and Beliefs in Imerethi" (Obichai i verovania v Imeretii), in S.M.C., Vol. XXVI, No. 1

SAGONA, A.G., & ABRAMISCHWILI, Michael (eds), Archaeology in the Southern Caucasus — Perspectives from Georgia, Peeters, 2008

SAID, Kurban [NUSSIMBAUM, Lev], Ali and Nino, 1937

SAIDOV, M., The Daghestan Arabic Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, paper presented at the XXVth International Congress of Orientalists, Moscow: Oriental Literature Publishing House, 1960

SAINT-MARTIN, Recherches sur les Populations Primitives et les plus anciennes Traditions du Caucase, 1847

SALAKAIA, S.K., "Ritual Folklore of the Abkhazians", in Soviet Anthropology and Archeology Vol. XIV, Nos 1 & 2, 1975

SALIA, Kalistrat, Histoire de la nation géorgienne, Nino Salia, 1980

SALKELD, Audrey, & BERMÚDEZ, José Luis, On the Edge of Europe — Mountaineering in the Caucasus

SALKELD, Audrey, & BERMÚDEZ, José Luis, On the Edge of Europe — Mountaineering in the Caucasus, Hodder & Stoughton, 1993

SALMASLIAN, Armenag, Bibliographie de l'Arménie — Préface de René Grousset, Paris: self-published, 1946

SALVINI, Mirjo, "Le royaume d'Ourartou du IXe au VIIe s. av. J.-C." ["The kingdom of Urartu from the IXth to the VIIth century B.C."], in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 321 — "Arménie, des origines à la christianisation", Paris: 2007 [pp. 52-57.]

SAMOUILIDIS, Chrestos, The Popular Traditional Theatre of Pontus, Athens: 1980 (in Greek)

SANTROT, Jacques (ed.), Trésors de l'Arménie ancienne, des origines au IVe siècle, Paris: Somogy éditions d'art, 1996 [288 pp.; richly illustrated.]

SARTRE, Maurice, L'Anatolie hellénistique — De l'Égée au Caucase, Paris: Armand Colin, 2003

de SASSOUN, David, Épopée en vers, traduit de l'arménien avec une introduction et des notes par Frédéric Feydit, préface de Joseph Orbeli, Paris: Gallimard & UNESCO Caucase, 1989

de la SAUCE, W., Beiträge zur Kenntnis d. Manganerzlagerstätte v. Tschiaturi im Kaukasus, Halle: Knapp, 1926 [90 pp. with 7 ill.]

SAVA, Eugen, GOVEDARICA, Blagoje, & HÄNSEL, Bernhard (eds.), Der Schwarzmeerraum vom Äneolithikum bis in die Früheisenzeit [5000-500 v.Chr.], Vol. II: Globale Entwicklung versus Lokalgeschehen, Internationalen Fachtagung von Humboldtianern für Humboldtianer im Humboldt-Kolleg in Chisinau, Moldavien (4.-8. Oktober 2010), Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2011 [284 pp.; No. 27 of the "Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa" series; see also Vol. I (Joni APAKIDZE, ed.) above; 'Auf Vorwort und Einleitung folgen 18 Beiträge zu kupferzeitlichen symbolischen Bestattungen, Salzgewinnung, Kulturgeschichte des 5. / 4. Jts, technischen und sozialen Innovationen der Kupferzeit, der äneolithischen Chronologie, Kontakten zwischen Siebenbürgen und Schwarzmeerraum, der Bronzezeit Südrumäniens, Gußformendepots, Bronzesicheln, der Spätbronzezeit der nordpontischen Steppe, spätbronzezeitlichen Gußformen, eisenzeitlichen Grabsitten der Kolchis, der Früheisenzeit Kasachstans, der frühhallstattzeitlichen Befestigung von Saharna, hallstattzeitlichen Stammesfesten, Amazonen im Spiegel von Grabfunden, Goldappliken mit Drachen sowie Grabraub in Moldavien.']

SAVAGE, Richard, Prince Schamyl's Wooing — A Story of the Caucasus-Russo-Turkish War, London & New York: George Routledge & Sons, 1892

SAVILE, John Charles George (4th Earl of Mexborough), Half round the Old World, being some Account of a Tour in Russia, the Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey, London: E. Moxon & Co., 1867

SCARAMUZZA, Carlo (ed.), Kaitag — Art for Life, a Selected Public Kaitag Exhibition from European Collections/Kaitag — Arte per la Vita, Tessuti ricamati del Daghestan

SCARAMUZZA, Carlo (ed.), Kaitag — Art for Life, a Selected Public Kaitag Exhibition from European Collections/Kaitag — Arte per la Vita, Tessuti ricamati del Daghestan, (bilingual English/Italian), Silvana Editoriale, 2010

SCHAEFFER, Commander Claude F.A., "Archaeological Discoveries in Trialeti (Caucasus)", in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, April 1944

SCHAGINJAN, Marietta, Leben und Leute in Armenien ["Life and people in Armenia"], Berlin: Verlag der sowjetischen Militärverwaltung in Deutschland, 1947

SCHERER, Alexander Nicolaus, Versuch Einer Systematischen Uebersicht der Heilquellen des Russischen Reichs ["An attempted systematic review of the mineral springs of the Russian Empire"], St Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1820

SCHERZER, V., 46. Infanterie-Division: Krim, Kaukasus, Kaukasusbrückenkopf, Isjum, Jassy — Weg und Einsatz einer fränkisch-sudetendeutschen Infanterie-Division 1938-1945 ["46th Infantry Division: Crimea, Caucasus, Caucasus bridge-head, ?Isjum?, Jassy — Route and deployment of a Frankish and Sudeten-German infantry division 1938-45"], Ranis/Jena: Scherzer Militär-Verlag, 2009 [642 pp.]

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SCHINKUBA, Bagrat, Im Zeichen des Halbmonds — Ein historischer Roman, Berlin: Rütten & Loening, 1981 [392 pp.; a historical novel based upon the disappearance of the Ubykhs in the XXth century.]

SCHMIDT, Karl Horst, Studien zur Rekonstruktion des Lautstandes der südkaukasischen Grundsprache ["Studies on the reconstruction of the sound-system of Proto-south-caucasian"], Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1962 [Part of the "Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes" series, Vol. XXXIV, No. 3.]

SCHMIDT, Karl Horst, "Die west- und ostkaukasischen Literaturen", in Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon, Vol. II, Munich: 1974

SCHMIDT, Martin (ed.), Reisen zu den Deutschen im Osten Europas: Zwischen Oder und Memel, Karpaten und Kaukasus, Graz: Leopold Stocker, 2006 [240 pp.; 30 accounts of the remnants of German communities in eastern Europe — notably in Chechnya and Georgia.]

SCHNEIDER, A.M., "Archaeopolis (Nokalakewi)", in Forschungen und Fortschritte, Vol. VII, No. 27, pp.354-5

SCHÖNHOFF Die Felsenadler von Dagestan

SCHNEIDER, Gerd-Dietrich, Vom Kanal zum Kaukasus — Die 3. R-Flottille, Feuerwehr an allen Fronten ["From the English Channel to the Caucasus — The 3rd "R-Flotilla", the fire brigade on every front"], Herford: Koehler, 1982

SCHNIRELMAN, Victor A., "A Revolt of Social Memory: The Chechens and Ingush against the Soviet Historians", Hokkaido: The Slavic Research Center of Hokkaido University

SCHÖNER, Jörg, & KUSNEZOW, Alexander, Im Kaukasus, Leipzig: VEB Brockhaus Verlag, 1981 [175 pp.]

SCHÖNHOFF Die Felsenadler von Dagestan

SCHÖNHOFF, Heinz Oskar, Die Felsenadler von Dagestan, mit 12 Tafelbildern nach Zeichnungen u. Radierungen v. Th. Horschelt u. Gr. Gagarine u. Karte v. K. Kraus, Stuttgart: Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, 1938 [191 pp.; most likely a novel or a history of XIXth-century resistance to Russian imperial ambitions.]

SCHOR, David, "The Zionist Labour Movement in the Caucasus", in SLUTZKY, Yehuda (ed.), Heawar — Devoted to the History of Russian Jews, Vol. XXI, Tel Aviv: "Altira" Association for Study of the History of the Jews in Russia and the Ukraine, 1974

SCHULZE, Wolfgang, Person, Klasse, Kongruenz: Fragmente einer Kategorialtypologie des einfachen Satzes in den ostkaukasischen Sprachen, 2 volumes, München: LINCOM, 1998 [360 pp.; No. 4 of the "Studies in Caucasian Linguistics" series.]

SCHÜRMANN, Ulrich, Teppiche aus dem Kaukasus: eine eingehende Darstellung der Teppichknüpfkunst des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts in den einzelnen Distrikten des Kaukasus, Braunschweig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1964 [English translation, Caucasian rugs: a detailed presentation of the art of carpet weaving in the various districts of the Caucasus during the 18th and 19th century, published London: Allen & Unwin, 1967.]

SCHÜTZ, Paul, Zwischen Nil und Kaukasus — Ein Reisebericht zur religionspolitischen Lage im Orient, Kassel: J. Stauda, 1953 [264 pp.]

SCHWARZENBACH, Annemarie, Lorenz Saladin, ein Leben für die Berge — Hrsg. und mit einem Essay vers. von Robert Steiner und Emil Zopfi, Basel: Lenos, 2007 [272 pp.; the extraordinarily-named "Lorenz Saladin" was a Swiss mountaineer who in 1932 'took part in the first Swiss expedition to the Caucasus with a ski club from Zurich and contributed reports and photographs to the press. [He] climbed the Ushba peak [and] became acquainted with the Moscow student and climber Georgi Charlampiew, [who in 1934] helped him organize his own climbing expedition to the Caucasus. A mountain, Pik Saladin, was named after him.']

SCHWARZGRUBER, Adolf, & PETERKA, Hubert, "Deutsche Bergsteigererfolge im Kaukasus 1935", in Zeitschrift des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins, Vol. LXVII (1936), Innsbruck: Verlag d. Dt. u. Österr. Alpenvereins, 1936

SCHWEIGER-LERCHENFELD, Zwischen Donau und Kaukasus: Land- und Seefahrten im Bereiche des Schwarzen Meeres

von SCHWEIGER-LERCHENFELD, Amand, Zwischen Donau und Kaukasus: Land- und Seefahrten im Bereiche des Schwarzen Meeres ["Between Danube and Caucasus: Journeys by land and sea in the Black Sea region"], Wien, Pest & Leipzig: Hartleben, 1887 [an astonishing 792 pp. with 215 woodcuts and 11 colour maps.]

von SCHWEINITZ, Hans Hermann, Helenendorf: Eine deutsche Kolonie im Kaukasus, Vossische Buchhandlung, 1910

SCHWENKER, Gerold, Briefe aus dem Kaukasus, Leipzig: Engelsdorfer Verlag, 2004

SCOTT, Charles Henry, The Baltic, the Black Sea, and the Crimea, comprising travels in Russia, a voyage down the Volga to Astrachan, and a tour through Crim Tartary, London: Richard Bentley, 1854

"Sculpture: les Khatchars [d'Arménie], un art emblématique", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 177 — "Arménie, 3,000 ans d'histoire", Paris: 1992 [pp. 58-63.]

SEEGMILLER, Steve, Karachay, München: LINCOM, 1996 [60 pp.; No. 109 of the "Languages of the World/Materials" series.]

SEFERBEKOV, Ruslan, "Gods and Demons of the Dagestanian Peoples (A Tentative Typology and Classification)", in Iran & the Caucasus, 3, 1999-2000, pp. 133-134

SEIBT, Werner (ed.), Die Christianisierung des Kaukasus — The Christianization of Caucasus, Vienna: the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2002 ['In December 1999 and in collaboration with both the University of Vienna's Department of Byzantine and Hellenic Studies and the Society for Austro-Armenian Studies, the Austrian Academy of Sciences held an international symposium on the Christianization of the Caucasus, focusing on the 4th century. In connection with the 17th centenary jubilee of the Armenian Church, it was Armenia that constituted the central interest, but Georgia, Caucasian Albania and Alans were also dealt with. The present volume contains 14 articles in German, English and French, dealing with aspects of history, philology, law, art and culture' — among them Seibt's own "Der historische Hintergrund und die Chronologie der Christianisierung Armeniens bzw. der Taufe König Trdats (ca. 315)".]

SEIBT, Werner, & PREISER-KAPELLER, Johannes (eds.), Die Entstehung der kaukasischen Alphabete als kulturhistorisches Phänomen / The Creation of the Caucasian Alphabets as a Phenomenon of Cultural History, Wien: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011 [132 pp.; a selection of papers presented during an international symposium held by the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2005 as one of the events marking the 1,600th anniversary of the creation of the Armenian alphabet.]

SEIDL, Ulf, Die tausendtürmige Weltburg: Geschichten und Gestalten aus dem Kampf um den Kaukasus, Salzburg: Das Bergland-Buch, 1943

SEIFRIZ, William, "Vegetation Zones in the Caucasus", in Geographical Review, Vol. XXVI, No. 1 (Jan. 1936), pp. 59-66

SELIMKHANOV, I., "Spectral Analysis of Metallic Articles from Archaeological Monuments of the Caucasus, U.S.S.R.", in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, Vol. XXVIII, 1962

SEMENOV-TIAN-SHANSKII, La Russie Extra-Européenne et Polaire — Sibérie, Caucase, Asie Centrale, 1900

Sept Jours No. 45, "Caucase: carrefour du pétrole et de la guerre", 1941 [19 pp.]

SERENA, Carla, "Excursions dans le Caucase — De Mer Noire à la Mer Caspienne — L'Iméréthie, Province du Caucase, 1875-1876 — Un Tour en Mingrélie, 1876-1878 — Excursion au Samourzakan et en Abkasie, 1881 — Trois mois en Kakhétie, 1877-1881", in Le Tour du Monde, Vols. XL, XLI & XLIII, Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1880-1882 [English translation: Narikala, 2015.)

SERENA, Carla, "Voyage au Caucase — La Gourie et les Régions de Gori, Börjom et Achalzick", in Le Tour du Monde, Vol. XLVII, Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1884

SERRANO, Silvie, Géorgie, sortie d'empire, Paris: CNRS, 2012 [342 pp.]

SEVERIN, Tim, The Jason Voyage, Hutchinson, 1985

von SEYDLITZ, Nikolai, "Ethnographie des Kaukasus (mit 1 Karte)", in BEHM, E. (ed.), Dr. A. Petermann's Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt, Vol. XXVI, Gotha: Perthes, 1880

von SEYDLITZ, Nikolai, "Die Bevölkerung der Stadt Tiflis nach der Zählung von 25. Marz 1876", in Russische Revue, Vol. XVI, [S.l.: s.n., ca. 1880]

von SEYDLITZ, Nikolai, "Die Tschilou-Höhle, der Schauplatz einer abchasischen Variante der Prometheus-Sage", [S.l.]: Globus, 1889

von SEYDLITZ, Nikolai, Gemeinde und Familienleben der Chewssuren, [S.l.: s.n.], 1891

SEYMOUR, D., "On the Caucasus and Parts of the Crimea", in Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 24th Meeting, Liverpool: 1854

SEYMOUR, H.D., Russia on the Black Sea and Sea of Azof: being a Narrative of Travels in the Crimea and Bordering Provinces; with Notices of the Naval, Military, and Commercial Resources of those Countries, London: John Murray, 1855

SHALON, U., "Caucasian Jews and Zionism", in SLUTZKY, Yehuda (ed.), Heawar — Devoted to the History of Russian Jews, Vol. XXI, Tel Aviv: "Altira" Association for Study of the History of the Jews in Russia and the Ukraine, 1974

SHAVISHVILI ["CHAVICHVILY"], Khariton, Patrie, prisons, exil, Paris: Défense de la France, 1946

SHAVKHELISHVILI, Abram, Tushini — Istoriko Etnographitcheskoye Issledovanie Tsova-Tushin, Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 2001

SHAW, Henry Alden, "Greek Refugees from the Caucasus and the Work of the American Red Cross at Salonique", in Journal of International Relations, Vol. XII, No. 1, 1921

SHCHERBAKOV, D., Views of the U.S.S.R., Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1955

SHELLEY, Maryann, Karst and Caves in the Caucasus, self-published, 1956

SHEVARDNADZE, Eduard, The Future Belongs to Freedom, London: Sinclair-Stephenson, 1991

SHNIRELMAN, Victor A., The Value of the Past: Myths, Identity and Politics in Transcaucasia, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, 2001

SHOUISKY, Judith, & McGIBENY, Ruth, Ali of Baku, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1949 [a novel for children]

SIDORKO, Clemens P., Dschihad im Kaukasus: Antikolonialer Widerstand der Dagestaner und Tschetschenen gegen das Zarenreich (18. Jahrhundert bis 1859), Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert, 2007

von SIEMENS, Ernst Werner, Personal Recollections (translated by W.C. Coupland), London: Asher & Co., 1893

von SIEMENS, Ernst Werner, & FLEISCHHACK, Kurt (ed.), Kaukasusreisen, Zeulenroda: Sporn, 1942 [62 pp.; most likely extracts from Siemens's Recollections.]

SIKOJEV, Andre (ed.), Die Narten, Söhne der Sonne — Mythen und Heldensagen der Skythen, Sarmanten und Osseten, übers. u. hrsg. v. A. Sikojev ["The Narts, Sons of the Sun — Myths and Epic Tales of the Scythians, Sarmatians and Ossetians"], Köln: Diederichs, 1985 [351 pp.]

SINGER, Rolf, "Roaming Russia's Caucasus: Rugged Mountains & Hardy Fighters Guard the Soviet Union's Caucasian Treasury of Oil", in National Geographic Magazine, Washington: National Geographical Society, 1942

SIXEL, Judith, Die Sucherinnen, Zürich: KaMeRu Verlag, 2011 [A 500 pp. novel; 'eine Geschichte im sinnlich-poetischen und zart leidenschaftlichen Stil der georgischen Polyphonie, die an die Frage nach der persönlichen Identität rührt. November 2003 bis August 2008. In Georgien entwickelt sich die euphorisch begrüßte Rosenrevolution zur Dornenrevolution und schließlich zum georgisch-russischen Krieg. Vor diesem Hintergrund erleben zwei Frauen ihren persönlichen Aufbruch zwischen West und Ost, Fremde und Heimat, moderner Großstadtwelt und der Wildnis des Großen Kaukasus. Noch wissen sie nichts voneinander und von dem Geheimnis, das ihr Leben schicksalhaft miteinander verbinden wird.']

SJÖGREN, Andreas Johann, "Iron aevzagakhur", das ist, Ossetische Sprachlehre, nebst kurzem Ossetisch-Deutschen und Deutsch-Ossetischen Wörterbuche ["Iron aevzagakhur" i.e. the Ossetian Language, with a short Ossetian-German and German-Ossetian Dictionary], St Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1844

von SKERST, Herman, Der Gralstempel im Kaukasus — Ur-Christentum in Armenien und Georgien, Stuttgart: Urachhaus, 1986

SKINNER, Peter, Georgia — The Land Below the Caucasus, London: Mta Publications, 2014 [500 pp. with 20 maps and 144 illustrations, 24 in colour; a history of Georgia from the Kingdom of Colchis to the aftermath of the 1921 Soviet invasion.]

SKRYJABINA, Elena, After Leningrad: From the Caucasus to the Rhine 1947-1961, Carbondale (IL): S.I.U. Press, 1978

SLADE, Gavin, Reorganizing Crime: Mafia and Anti-Mafia in Post-Soviet Georgia, Oxford: University Press, 2013 [240 pp.; a study of the largely Georgian phenomenon of the "thieves-in-law", part of the "Clarendon Studies in Criminology" series.]

SLEZKINE, Yuri, "N.I. Marr and the National Origins of Soviet Ethnogenetics", in Slavic Review, Vol. LV, No. 4, 1996

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SMEETS, Rieks, "On valencies, actants and actant coding in Circassian", in HEWITT, George (ed.), Caucasian Perspectives, München: LINCOM, 1992

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SMITH, Adam, The Political Machine: Assembling Sovereignty in the Bronze Age Caucasus (The Rostovtzeff Lectures), Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press, 2015 [264pp.; 'This provocative and timely book identifies three main phases in the development of 'sovereign assemblage' and provides a compelling account of social change in Caucasian societies between the fourth millennium and the Iron Age. Adam T. Smith is professor of anthropology and chair of the Department of Anthropology at Cornell University. He is the author of The Political Landscape and the coauthor of The Archaeology and Geography of Ancient Transcaucasian Societies, Volume 1.'

SMITH, Eli, & DWIGHT, Harrison Gray Otis, Researches of the Rev. E. Smith and Rev. H.G.O. Dwight in Armenia, including a Journey through Asia Minor, and into Georgia and Persia, with a Visit to the Nestorian and Chaldean Christians of Oormiah and Salmas, Boston: Crocker & Brewster, 1833

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SOUDZILOVSKAIA, Nadejda A., & ONIPCHENKO, Vladimir G., "Experimental Investigation of Fertilization and Irrigation Effects on an Alpine Heath, Northwestern Caucasus, Russia", in Arctic & Alpine Research, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, Boulder (CO): University of Colorado Boulder, 2005

SOURIAU, Silva, Diane au Caucase, Paris: Editions de Montsouris (Collection "Lisette"), 1947 [96 pp.; a tale of adventure in the Caucasus, for children.]

SOUTHGATE, Horatio, Narrative of a Tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Mesopotamia with observations on the condition of Mohammedanism and Christianity in those countries, 2 volumes, New York: Appleton, 1840

"Spotlight on Athens, Krefeld, Soviet Union", in Tramways & Urban Transit: The Official Journal of the Light Rail Transit Association, Vol. LIII, No. 748, April 2000 [Apparently includes some information on light rail transit systems in the Caucasus.]

SPENCER, Edmund, Travels in the Western Caucasus, including a tour through Imeritia, Mingrelia, Turkey, Modavia, Galicia, Silesia and Moravia in 1836, by the Author of "Travels in Circassia", 2 volumes, London: Henry Colburn, 1838

SPIES, Georg, Erinnerungen eines Ausland-Deutschen, Marburg: Self-published, circa 1910 [Chapter 6: "Im Kaukasus, 1902-4".]

SPILLMANN, Joseph S.J., Die Marienkinder — Eine Erzählung aus dem Kaukasus ["The "Marienkinder" — A story from the Caucasus"], Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1919 [86 pp. with colour ill.; a book for children.]

von STAHL, A.F., STEINMANN, Gustav, & WILCKENS, Otto, Kaukasus, Winter, 1923

von STEINITZ, Generalmajor Ritter, Zwei Jahrzehnte im Nahen Orient — Aufzeichnungen des Generals der Kavallerie Baron Wladimir Giesl ["Twenty Years in the Near East — Notes of the Cavalry General, the Baron Vladimir Giesl"], Berlin: Verlag fur Kulturpolitik, 1927

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STEVENS, Admiral Leslie C., Life in Russia, London: Longmans, 1954 [Admiral Stevens was Naval Attaché in Moscow 1947-49, a period during which he talked with an enormous number and variety of people in Moscow bars, in Leningrad, in the Caucasus and Siberia, on hunting and fishing expeditions, &c.]

STEVENSON, R.H., Amiran-Darejaniani — A Cycle of Medieval Georgian Tales Traditionally Ascribed to Mose Khoneli (translated by R.H. Stevenson), Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1958

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TRAINA, Giusto, "Le royaume de la Grande Arménie", "Les inscriptions grecques d'Armavir" & "Artachat (Artaxata)", in Dossiers Histoire et Archéologie, No. 321 — "Arménie, des origines à la christianisation", Paris: 2007 [pp. 74-77, 78 & 79, respectively.]

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TRIETSCH, Davis, Georgien und der Kaukasus, Deutsch-Georgische Gesellschaft, 1918

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VARANDIAN, Mikael, Le conflit arméno-géorgien et la guerre du Caucase, avec une préface d'Albert Thomas, directeur du International Labor Office, Paris: Imprimerie de M. Flinikowski, 1919

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VASUDEVAN, Hari, In the Footsteps of Afanasii Nikitin: Travels through Eurasia and India in the Twenty-First Century, New Delhi : Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2014 [368 pp. Nikitin was a Russian merchant who came to India in the sixteenth century, and left a volume of reminiscences his Voyage over Three seas. In time he has come to symbolize India’s relationship with the territories of the former Russian Empire and the Soviet state, as well as with modern Russia. This Volume provides an account of the Nikitin expedition which was organized in 2006-7 by the adventurers and explorers society, Delhi and which covered much of Nikitins route. The expedition was sponsored by various agencies including the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India, and undertook a survey of impressions of India in the Eurasia region, past and present. It also dealt with impressions of Eurasia in India. The Nikitin expedition was a motor car expedition that began in St. Petersburg and continued through Northern Russia after a flag off at Niktin’s hometown of TVer. The expedition travelled to the Volga by way of Moscow moved along the river to Astrakhan, and diverted to the Black Sea, which the cars crossed from Sochi. The expedition then proceeded by way of North East Turkey, the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea coast, and Iran to Bandar Abbas on the Persian Gulf. A second leg of the expedition covered parts of Maharasthra, Goa and Karnataka in India.]

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